A discussion on the upper limit of maturity for gas generation by marine kerogens and the utmost of

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The experimental data yielded by Rock-Eval pyrolysis, kerogen atomic H/C, Py-GC and gold-tube sealing thermal simulation on the marine Cambrian-Ordovician source rock from the Tarim Basin revealed that the upper limit of maturity for natural gas generation or the “deadline of gas generation” for marine types I and II kerogens is equal to 3.0% of vitrinite reflectance (Ro); while the “deadline of gas generation” for type III kerogens typically like coals is as high as 10% Ro. Thus, different organic matter has obviously different utmost maturities for gas generation. The mass-balance calculation by kerogen elements showed that when Ro>1.5%, the utmost amount of gas generation for the marine type II kerogen is less than 185 m3/t TOC, accounting for less than 30% of its total hydrocarbon generative potential; when Ro>2.0%, it becomes 110 m3/t TOC, less than 20% of the total hydrocarbon generative potential. The amount of the gas generative potential obtained by Rock-Eval is only around one tenth of the calculated value by the mass balance of kerogen elements at the same thermal evolutionary stage, while those by Py-GC and gold-tube sealing simulation are intervenient between the above two. The utmost of gas generative potential at the over 1.3% Ro stage is around 60―90 m3/t TOC, therefore, the amount of gas generation obtained by Rock-Eval is the minimum of gas generative potential, while that by the mass-balance calculation of kerogen elements is the maximum that the actual amount of gas generation should not exceed. The experimental data yielded by Rock-Eval pyrolysis, kerogen atomic H / C, Py-GC and gold-tube sealing thermal simulation on the marine Cambrian-Ordovician source rock from the Tarim Basin revealed that the upper limit of maturity for natural gas generation or the “deadline of gas generation” for marine types I and II kerogens is equal to 3.0% of vitrinite reflectance (Ro); while the “deadline of gas generation” for type III kerogens typically like coals is as high as 10 % Ro. Thus, different organic matter has obviously different utmost maturities for gas generation. The mass-balance calculation by kerogen elements showed that when Ro> 1.5%, the utmost amount of gas generation for the marine type II kerogen is less than 185 m3 / t TOC, accounting for less than 30% of its total hydrocarbon generative potential; when Ro> 2.0%, it becomes 110 m3 / t TOC, less than 20% of the total hydrocarbon generative potential. by Rock-Eval is only aroun d one tenth of the calculated value by the mass balance of kerogen elements at the same thermal evolutionary stage, while those by Py-GC and gold-tube sealing simulation are intervenient between the above two. The utmost of gas generative potential at the over 1.3 % Ro stage is around 60-90 m3 / t TOC, therefore, the amount of gas generation obtained by Rock-Eval is the minimum of gas generative potential, while that by the mass-balance calculation of kerogen elements is the maximum that the actual amount of gas generation should not exceed.
邮政快件业务是我国邮电部开办的一项邮政业务,1987年11月10日起在全国196个大中城市试办,1988年5月1日起扩大到全国各地市以上城市和从这些城市出发的逐日班直达邮路上的 T
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