The World’s First Underground Hotel

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  When you encounter the InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland, you will be greeted by quiet luxury, exotic flora and fauna, world-class cuisine and warm smiles. Developed by Shimao Group and managed by IHG, InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland is the first luxury hotel masterfully built into the sidewall of a formerly abandoned quarry in southwestern Shanghai. Though it’s not a subterranean dungeon as you might expect, 16 of the hotel’s 18 floors are beneath the earth’s surface. Stretching 88 meters underground, the hotel was nominated as one of the architectural wonders in the world by the National Geographic Channel’s Megastructures series due to its pioneering architectural design.
  A true sight to behold
  This building has become a landmark. Yet the landmark here is not something that sticks out, but something that fits in. The site was once really a scar on the surface of the earth. Its designers showed how to make a difficult and unusual site that nobody knew what to do with useful again, revitalizing it with a new life. Designers decided to distill these natural elements into the basis of their designs: The cliff becomes the body of the hotel, where the guest rooms are located. The water is turned into a faux waterfall down the center of the building that houses the elevators. The hills are represented by the green roof of the structure, which is designed not only to blend into the landscape but also to provide energy-efficient temperature regulation. Sustainability is an important part of the whole design process. The hotel also uses the natural air shaft between its structure and the cliff wall for insulation in winter and cooling in summer.
  The best view of the hotel is from above, where you can visualize the hotel’s undulating yin-yang shape, reimagining the balance between man and nature. All 336 rooms and suites provide ample and uxury living spaces with spectacular views of waterfalls and the surrounding cliffs. The landing deck at the water level houses the outdoor terrace and bedroom, whilst the underwater living rooms are encased within a turquoise aquarium where guests will be surrounded by schools of fish swimming by. Every room has a balcony, and a cozy theater box from which you can watch the nightly water show. The light and water theatrics are mesmerizing, which are much more impressive than the water show at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.
  Thoughtful amenities to enjoy life
  When it comes to tranquility, the intimate An Spa is the place to go. A gentle Japanese skincare line is used for buffing and hydrating the skin in four treatment rooms. The InterContinental Club lounge is on the same floor and one floor below is the steampunk Quarry Bar. Mr. Fisher, the hotel’s specialty seafood restaurant, is underwater surrounded by a saltwater aquarium. And upstairs is the Caifenglou for Chinese delicacies.
  Bearing the brand’s dedication to providing high standards of guest services and delivering captivating destination experiences, InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland will create unprecedented hospitality experiences for guests and stand out as a true sight to behold in the financial capital of China.
  Add: No. 5888 Chenhua Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China
  Tel: 8621-67661888
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坐在一楼的餐厅里已经是午后,我隔着窗户望着湿漉漉的街道,街上的人皮肤略黑,缓慢地走在街上,看着过路人脸上的表情和着装,我猜测着屋外的气温和湿度,4个半小时午夜飞行所带来的疲惫已散,菲律宾宿务,一个充满着传奇色彩的城市,接下来的几天我要探寻这里的细枝末节。  今天恰好是周日,对于宿务来说周日是尤为神圣的一天,这一天你最能体会到信仰的震撼。菲律宾85%的人信奉天主教,起因是1521年一个即将完成人类伟
关于作者:一位没有定位的写手、敦煌学爱好者、沙发客、背包客、语言学爱好者。梦想是仗剑走天涯,15岁开始独自周游全国,19岁开始独自周游世界。  生命孤舟  从嘉峪关向敦煌前行,绵延五百里的戈壁是河西走廊最后一抹色彩,沿途不见生命的迹象,仅有沙漠绿植零星装点。听说运气好能遇见路边奔腾的野骆驼,奈何我是没这个运气了。  坐在车窗边的乘客也能切身地感受到焦灼大地的问候,热气透过缝隙,和满天风沙一起钻进车
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Are you still wondering where to go during the hot summer season? You shouldn't keep yourself trapped in the city all summer long, so pack a bag to explore! Here is an amazing resort for your getaway.
在泰国,向来是不乏古城、古寺的遗迹,曼谷玉佛寺、清迈素贴双龙寺、大城马哈泰寺,都是泰国人如数家珍的宝藏景点,但若提到华富里,乐天知命的当地人一定会问你,“是来看猴的吧?”也不知从何时起,这座位于泰国南部的静谧小城,流着高棉和大城血液的三朝古都,成了猴子猴孙们啸聚山林的乐土,而那些前来华富里看古迹的游客,都以为误入了花果山。  泰国华富里,世界猴子城  在华富里,人们的记忆中似乎没有猴子不在的场景。