Novel evidence for the σ-bond linear-chain molecular structure in 14C

来源 :中国物理C(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhao03
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A multi-nucleon transfer and cluster decay experiment,7Li(11B,14C* → α+10Be)α,is conducted at an incident beam energy of 55 MeV.This reaction channel has a significantly large Q-value,which favors populating the high lying resonant states in 14C.The decay paths,from these resonances to various states of the final nucleus 10 Be,can be selected,owing to the experimentally achieved optimal resolution of the Q-value spectrum.A number of resonant states are reconstructed from the forward emitting 10 Be+α fragments,and their major molecular struc-tures can be detected according to the selective decay paths and relative decay widths.A state at 22.4(2)MeV valid-ates the previously measured and theoretically predicted band head of the positive-parity σ-bond linear-chain mo-lecular band.Two additional resonances at 22.9(2)and 24.2(2)MeV are identified and consistent with the predicted 2+and 4+members of the same molecular band,thus providing novel evidences for the existence of the exotic clus-tering chain structure in neutron-rich carbon isotopes.A few high energy resonances,which also indicate the pres-ence of the σ-bond molecular structure,are observed;however,further studies are still required to clarify their ascription in band systematics.
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