Simultaneous quantification of longitudinal and transverse ocular chromatic aberrations with Hartman

来源 :JournalofInnovativeOpticalHealthSciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeng_hc
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A simple method to objectively and simultaneously measure eye's longitudinal and transverse chromatic aberrations was proposed. A dual-wavelength wavefront measurement system using two Hartmann–Shack wavefront sensors was developed. The wavefronts of the red (639.1 nm) and near-infrared (786.0 nm) lights were measured simultaneously for different positions in the model eye. The chromatic wavefronts were converted into Zernike polynomials. The Zernike tilt coe±cient (first term) was used to calculate the transverse chromatic aberration along the x-direction, while the Zernike defocus coe±cient (fourth term) was used to calculate the longitudinal chromatic aberration. The measurement and simulation data were consistent.
设计和优化了一种新型低损耗、低偏振的基于二氧化硅的特种非对称1×5光分路器.在设计Y分支结构时, 输入端采用缓变展宽波导结构和直波导过渡波导相结合的结构, 此结构可以使输入光场缓慢展宽, 进行分束前的准备, 大大减小分支结构的辐射损耗和模式转换损耗.非对称1×5光分路器第一个端口输出功率占50%, 第二至五端口输出功率占50%.利用三维光束传播法模拟和优化了特种非对称1×5光分路器, 模拟结果表明, 该结构具有均匀性好、器件尺寸小、低损耗和低偏振等优点, 1×5光分路器在1 250~1 650 nm波长范
基于可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱技术开展了检测空气中乙醇蒸气浓度的方法研究,并采用乙醇分子在7180 cm-1(1393 nm)附近的吸收峰作为鉴别乙醇的特征信息。建立多元线性回归方程来拟合求解多分子吸收共存的问题,以消除共存水蒸气对空气中乙醇蒸气含量检测的干扰。针对谱线处理中存在的光谱误差问题,提出了修正方程,与实验的结果一致。开放光路测量实验结果表明,系统的积分浓度检测限达到30×10-6 m。
利用元素间强烈的放热反应,采用激光引燃自蔓延Al-Ti-C合金合成铝合金晶粒细化中间合金。结果显示,所合成Al-50(TiC)中间合金内部作为异质核心的形核粒子TiC呈颗粒状,平均尺寸小于1 μm,粒子弥散分布,TiAl3呈长条状,中间合金加入铝熔体内,形核粒子较容易弥散开来。保温90 min未出现聚集成团现象,具有良好抗衰退能力。在所述实验条件下可使工业纯铝平均晶粒尺寸细化为150 μm以下,差示扫描量热法(DSC)热分析曲线出现一个尖锐的吸热峰和一个浑圆的放热峰。同时分析了激光引燃自蔓延合成的过程。
A photonic approach to concurrently measure the angle-of-arrival (AOA) and the chirp rate of a linear frequency modulated (LFM) signal is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The measurement is achieved by estimating the differential frequency of a t