Microstructural Characteristics of Asphalt Concrete with Different Gradations by X-ray CT

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhmlivefor51
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The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the effects of asphalt concrete types on the microstructural characteristics at high-temperature. Suspend-dense structure and Skeleton-dense structure were selected to investigate the deformation of pavement at meso-scale. The internal microstructures of typical asphalt concretes, AC, SUP and SMA, were scanned by X-ray CT device, and microstructural changes before and after high-temperature damage were researched by digital image processing. Adaptive threshold segmentation algorithm(ATSA) based on image radius was developed and utilized to obtain the binary images of aggregates, air-voids and asphalt mastic. Then the shape and distribution of air-voids and aggregates were analyzed. The results show that the ATSA can distinguish the target and background effectively. Gradation and coarse aggregate size of asphalt mixtures have an obvious influence on the distribution of air-voids. The movements of aggregate particles are complex and aggregates with elliptic sharp show great rotation. The effect of gradation on microstructure during high-temperature damage promotes the research about the failure mechanism of asphalt concrete pavement. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the effects of asphalt concrete types on the microstructural characteristics at high-temperature. Suspend-dense structure and Skeleton-dense structure were selected to investigate the deformation of pavement at meso-scale. The internal microstructures of typical asphalt concretes, AC, SUP and SMA, were scanned by X-ray CT device, and microstructural changes before and after high-temperature damage were researched by digital image processing. Adaptive threshold segmentation algorithm (ATSA) based on image radius was developed and utilized to obtain the binary images of aggregates, air-voids and asphalt mastic. Then the shape and distribution of air-voids and aggregates were analyzed. The results show that the ATSA can distinguish the target and background efficiently. asphalt mixtures have an obvious influence on the distribution of air-voids. The movements of aggregate particles are complex and aggreg ates with elliptic sharp show great rotation. The effect of gradation on microstructure during high-temperature damage promotes the research about the failure mechanism of asphalt concrete pavement.
西方对戈尔巴乔夫仍然是赞誉有加,但同时也出现了褒者更褒、贬者更贬的新现象。    戈尔巴乔夫在西方一直享有盛誉并获得好评,因为在西方人眼里,正是由于戈尔巴乔夫的改革导致苏联解体和冷战结束,并且开启了俄罗斯的民主进程。自苏联解体至今的20年里,西方的主流舆论一直保持着对戈尔巴乔夫积极和正面的评价。2011年,当戈尔巴乔夫80岁生日和苏联解体20周年相遇的时候,西方媒体再次热评其历史活动和历史地位。从