Evaluation on the Joint Action Between Chlorsulfuron and Haloxyfop-R by Bioassay

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:redhatping
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The joint action between chlorsulfuron and haloxyfop R was evaluated by bioassay with wheat and corn,respectivly.The dose response curve derived from wheat bioassay showed that the inhibition of haloxyfop R to wheat root growth wasn’t affected by the increasing rate of chlorsulfuron.It indicated that chlorsulfuron had no antagonism to haloxyfop R.Meanwhile,the variation analysis of corn bioassay indicated that these two herbicides had joint action on inhibition to corn primary root growth.The joint action was evaluated as additive action by using Isobole Method.So chlorsulfuron and haloxyfop R could be used as tank mixture. The joint action between chlorsulfuron and haloxyfop R was evaluated by bioassay with wheat and corn, respectivly. The dose response curve derived from wheat bioassay showed that the inhibition of haloxyfop R to wheat root growth was not affected by the increasing rate of chlorsulfuron. indicated that chlorsulfuron had no antagonism to haloxyfop R.Meanwhile, the variation analysis of corn bioassay indicated that these two herbicides had joint action on inhibition to corn primary root growth. The joint action was evaluated as additive action by using Isobole Method. So chlorsulfuron and haloxyfop R could be used as tank mixture.
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