Modeling and predicting low-speed vehicle emissions as a function of driving kinematics

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiaoweizhuo
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An instantaneous emission model was developed to model and predict the real driving emissions of the low-speed vehicles.The emission database used in the model was measured by using portable emission measurement system (PEMS) under actual traffic conditions in the rural area,and the characteristics of the emission data were determined in relation to the driving kinematics (speed and acceleration) of the low-speed vehicle.The input of the emission model is driving cycle,and the model requires instantaneous vehicle speed and acceleration levels as input variables and uses them to interpolate the pollutant emission rate maps to calculate the transient pollutant emission rates,which will be accumulated to calculate the total emissions released during the whole driving cycle.And the vehicle fuel consumption was determined through the carbon balance method.The model predicted the emissions and fuel consumption of an in-use low-speed vehicle type model,which agreed well with the measured data.
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