
来源 :上海教育(小学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changkaiaini
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加强爱国主义教育,发扬爱国主义精神,使广大人民群众和青少年儿童对自己祖国有深厚感情,提高民族自尊心和自信心,是建设具有中国特色的社会主义理论的重要组成部分,是弘扬中华民族优良传统,提高民族素质,增强综合国力,树力自强不息的民族气节的精神动力,是整个学校德育工作的主旋律,是中小学德育的基本任务和主要内容。中小学爱国主义教育的总目标是:以党的基本路线和建设有中国特色的社会主义理论为指导,坚持“一个中心,两个基本点”教育,并且把继承民族优良传统和时代精神相结合。从小培养学生对自己祖国的山山水水和同胞、亲人具有依恋感,对自己民族的优良传统、优秀文化、光荣历史、建设成就具有自豪感,对祖国;生存发展、繁荣富强具有责任使命感。逐步加深对热爱中国共产党和热爱社会主义的认识,培养具有知国之 Strengthen patriotism education, promote the spirit of patriotism, make the broad masses of the people and young children and children deeply affect their own motherland and state, and increase their national self-respect and self-confidence. This is an important part of the building of a socialist theory with Chinese characteristics and the promotion of the fineness of the Chinese nation. Tradition, the enhancement of the national quality, the enhancement of the overall national strength, and the spiritual power of the national morale of striving to become stronger are the main theme of moral education in the entire school and the basic tasks and main contents of moral education in primary and secondary schools. The general goal of patriotism education in primary and secondary schools is to follow the party’s basic line and build socialist theory with Chinese characteristics, adhere to “one center, two basic points ” education, and inherit the fine traditions of the nation and the spirit of the times. Combine. Since childhood, students have developed a sense of attachment to their country’s mountains, mountains, waters, and their countrymen, and their loved ones. They have a sense of pride in their fine traditions, excellent culture, glorious history, and achievements in construction. They also have a sense of responsibility for their country’s survival, development, prosperity, and strength. Gradually deepen my understanding of the love of the Chinese Communist Party and love of socialism, and cultivate knowledgeable countries
我院收治输尿管下段结石10例,经按摩排石9例,失败1例。结石最大1×0.4cm, In our hospital, 10 cases of lower ureteral calculi were treated, and 9 cases were dischar
气肿性膀胱炎是在膀胱炎的基础上,以膀胱壁内出现气泡为特征。我们遇到二例,经中西医结合治疗取得较好效果。现举一例介绍: 患者女,65岁。因寒战、高热、尿频、尿急、尿痛、