On Participation Constrained Team Formation

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gu22540
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The task assignment on the Intet has been widely applied to many areas, e.g., online labor market, online paper review and social activity organization. In this paper, we are conced with the task assignment problem related to the online labor market, termed as ClusterHire. We improve the definition of the ClusterHire problem, and propose an e?cient and effective algorithm, entitled Influence. In addition, we place a participation constraint on ClusterHire. It constrains the load of each expert in order to keep all members from overworking. For the participation-constrained ClusterHire problem, we devise two algorithms, named ProjectFirst and Era. The former generates a participation-constrained team by adding experts to an initial team, and the latter generates a participation-constrained team by removing the experts with the minimum influence from the universe of experts. The experimental evaluations indicate that 1) Influ-ence performs better than the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of effectiveness and time e?ciency; 2) ProjectFirst performs better than Era in terms of time e?ciency, yet Era performs better than ProjectFirst in terms of effectiveness.
肺癌性淋巴管炎是肺转移瘤中的一种特殊类型 ,文献报道较少。本文分析了本院经病理检查证实和临床X线资料完整的 8例肺癌性淋巴管炎 ,意在提高对该病的认识。1 临床资料1.1 
患者 女 ,5 1岁 ,因头痛、头晕 1周而来院就诊 ,全身及神经系统检查均正常。CT检查 :于OM线上 +2 0~ +70mm层面显示右侧侧脑室颞角及侧脑室三角区外形扩大 ,侧脑室三角区内脉络丛受
Pre-processing is an important step in digital image matting, which aims to classify more accurate foreground and background pixels from the unknown region of t
目的 从分子生物学的角度探索端粒酶活性和p16基因甲基化检测对肺癌早期诊断意义。方法 用PCR -TRAP -ELISA半定量及PCR -TRAP银染定性法、甲基化相关的PCR法 ,检测 49例肺
据报道,到2015年全球人口将达到72亿,要养活新增加的人口须增加粮食供给23.9亿吨,增加耕地面积15.7亿亩。在此形势下,各方都在寻求解决之道。作为农业科技革命的强大推动力,农业生物技术显示出了在提高粮食生产力、增加产量方面的巨大潜力。利用生物技术,能够开发出更加适合人类需求的农作物品种,可以有效增加农作物抗旱、耐碱、抗病虫害的能力,因此,生物技术在未来农业中的地位显得越来越重要。  生物技术
甲状舌管囊肿是颈部较少见的囊肿性占位病变。CT能显示该病的病理特征 ,有助于作出定性诊断。笔者发现 1例 ,报告如下。患者 男 ,5 6岁 ,颈部包块 3年 ,伴烧灼感及吞咽不适。