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商品交易从远古的物——物交换发展到今天,购物已变成一种时尚。在这种情况下,商店需要想到和做到的也远不止是一手交钱一手交货了。从本期的一组案例中将可以看出,大多数商场都将走向连锁经营,网络和计算机在销售行业的地位越来越重要。因此,商场建立计算机系统的大目标基本一致。即利用计算机这个现代化工具实现系统、规范、适合销售的管理,建立前台与后台在数据控制上的无缝连接。但在同样的大目标下所使用的方式却因各种条件的不同而不同,最后是否能够殊途同归呢? 王府井百货与世都百货选型的方式是一步到位,从硬件到软件全部购买最高档的统一配套产品。这种选择的好处在于整套系统出自一家厂商,系统的连惯性强、稳定性好,维护起来极为方便,大大节省了商场的人力和时间,但是这种方式的实现必须以雄厚的资金作为后盾。物美网络系统选型的原则是实用、好用、价格便宜,由于物美拥有卡斯特公司这支强大的技术队伍,因此管理系统全部自行研制开发,他们的宗旨是使应用软件产品化。“产品化”的观念非常先进,但说起来容易做起来难。为实现“产品化”,他们需要做出的将远不止是在技术上的艰苦努力。而天客隆商业集团强调的却是管理思想及对应用流程的控制,他们认为计算机系统先进与否并不重要。关键是要让他跟着人的思路走,而不能将人的思想限制住。几家商场的系统都有独到之处,但同时也存在一个系统重复开发问题。不利用成熟的商业管理软件而自己从头开发,看起来是省了钱,但仔细算一算人力和时间不值得珍惜吗?另外,从应用的角度来看,这几家商场基本上还都处于管理数据的阶段,然而在采访过程中记者看到,各商场每天的客货数据量非常之大,对于商场来说这是一笔多么宝贵的财富。将来是否会有一家商业集团帅先将这笔财富利用起来(如建立数据仓库),使数据发挥更大的作用,甚至可以利用自己的积累为公众提供信息服务。 Commodity trading has evolved from ancient object-to-material exchanges to today, and shopping has become a fashion. In this case, the store needs to think and do more than just pay for the first-hand delivery. From the current set of cases, it can be seen that most malls will move toward chain operations, and the role of networks and computers in the sales industry will become increasingly important. Therefore, the major goals of establishing a computer system in shopping malls are basically the same. That is, the use of computers as a modern tool to achieve system, specification, sales management, establish a seamless connection between the foreground and background in the data control. However, the methods used in the same general goal are different depending on various conditions. Can the same result be followed in the end? The way Wangfujing Department Store and World Shopping Mall are selected is a one-step approach. All hardware and software purchases are the highest. The unified supporting products. The advantage of this option is that the entire system comes from a single manufacturer. The system has strong inertia and stability, and it is extremely convenient to maintain. It saves manpower and time in the shopping mall. However, the realization of this method must be backed by abundant funds. The principle of Wumei’s network system selection is practical, easy to use, and cheap. Since Wumart has a strong technical team of Custer, the management system is entirely self-developed. Their purpose is to make application software products. The concept of “productization” is very advanced, but it is easier said than done. To achieve “productization,” they will need to make more than just technical hard work. The Tiankelong Business Group emphasizes management thinking and control of application processes. They believe that computer systems are not advanced or not. The key is to let him follow people’s thinking, but not to limit people’s thinking. The systems of several shopping malls have their own uniqueness, but at the same time there is a problem of repeated development of the system. Do not use the mature business management software to develop from scratch, it seems to save money, but careful calculation of manpower and time is not worth cherishing? In addition, from an application point of view, these malls are basically still The stage of managing data, however, during the interview, the reporter saw that the amount of passenger and cargo data in each mall is very large. This is a valuable asset for the mall. Whether there will be a business group in the future will use this wealth (such as establishing a data warehouse) to make the data play a greater role, and even use its own accumulation to provide information services for the public.
亲爱的母亲辞世整整一年了。母亲的音容笑貌,母亲的人生经历,母亲的谆谆嘱托,依然时常浮现在我的脑海中,心情总是难以平静。  母亲的家世  母亲原名张雪岑,参加革命后改名张露。1919年3月,母親生于山东省郓城县盐厂村的一个农民家庭。当时曾姥爷是家中主要劳动力,我年少时见过曾姥爷,是个非常和蔼可亲的老人,脸上布满沧桑的皱纹,由于终生参加劳动,身形消瘦,有些驼背。曾姥爷有三个儿子,我的姥爷为长子,二姥爷
②富顺县女子民兵方队通过主席台接受检阅: ③荣县民兵迫击炮方队正在分列式行进中: ④自流井区民兵高炮分区正在进行对空射击演练; ⑤荣县民兵步兵方队正以高昂的士气接受
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