Effects of the plenum chamber volume and distributor geometry on fluidized bed hydrodynamics

来源 :颗粒学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyingtg
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Most hydrodynamic fluidized bed models, including CFD codes, neglect any effects of the plenum chamber volume. Experiments were performed in a 0.13 m ID fluidization column to determine plenum chamber volume effects on fluidized bed hydrodynamics for FCC and glass particles. Two low-pressure-drop dis-tributors were used, one with a single orifice, and the other with 33 orifices and the same total open area as the single orifice. The results show two peaks in the frequency spectra for the single-orifice distributor, one representing bubble eruption at the bed surface and the other of higher frequency corresponding to the bubbling frequency at the distributor. The latter decreased slightly with increasing plenum volume and with increasing bed depth. For the multi-orifice distributor, broad frequency spectra from pressure measurements became narrower and moved towards higher frequency with decreasing plenum volume.
摘 要:明年11月高职院校办学水平评估就要在本院进行,其结果非常重要,对本院今后的发展起举足轻重的作用。为了借助评估的东风,使本院办学水平跃上示范性高职院校这个台阶,我们应该在这迎评促建的关键岁月里,多方面地找差距并提出整改措施,争取顺利通过这次评估。  关键词: 高职院校 办学水平 评估    对湘交工院来说,与已经进入倒计时的第二十九届北京奥运会接踵而来的大事是高职评估。“以评促建,以评促改,
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我母亲年近90了,患有老年性便秘,四五天才能排一次大便,而且疼痛难忍,服药也只能管一时,下次还是老样子,治标不治本。不久前,老友推荐了一个偏方:准备红薯200克、大枣50克、蜂蜜25克。将红薯去皮后切小块,和大枣一起放入500毫升的水中。先用武火将其煎至约300毫升,换文火再煎5~10分钟,然后出锅,冷却后加入适量蜂蜜即可服用。饮用时可以连汤带渣一起,大概3~4天,老母亲的便秘就好转了。  红薯含
剪力墙斜交折角构造,阳角水平分布连续通过,阴角水平分布钢筋断开,升至阳角竖直分布钢筋内侧后沿阳角水平分布钢筋方向前行15d,且不小于150 mm后截断,两向构造相同(图26).