Design of database management system of oil shale resource evaluation based on GIS

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lz147852369
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Base on the oil shale data model,the authors analyz the four main data types and their mutual relations,grasped the focus on the oil shale data management,established UML visual demand model for oil shale resources in the field of evaluation,constructed three-tier system and developed oil shale resource evaluation database management system. The system can be used for managing oil shale data storage,enhancing the efficiency and quality of the oil shale resource evaluation. Base on the oil shale data model, the authors analyz the four main data types and their mutual relations, grasped the focus on the oil shale data management, established UML visual demand model for oil shale resources in the field of evaluation, constructed three-tier system and developed oil shale resource evaluation database management system. The system can be used for managing oil shale data storage, enhancing the efficiency and quality of the oil shale resource evaluation.
依士曼化学公司于2010年11月30日宣布,已完成其在爱沙尼亚Kohtla-Jrve的Benzoflex品牌苯甲酸酯(安息香酸酯)增塑剂的扩能,这次扩能使Benzoflex产品能力提高了11kt/a。 On
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