坚持科学发展观 实现惠城工业新跨越——广东省惠州市惠城区工业扫描

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惠州市惠城区位于广东省东南部,地处经济活跃的珠江三角洲经济区内,是惠州市政府所在地和中心区,也是全市乃至整个东江流域政治、经济、军事、文化中心和商品集散地。区位优势明显,京九铁路北上与广阔的内陆腹地相接,直达北京;惠深高速公路南下直通深圳及香港,仅80多公里;广汕公路横贯东西,东至汕头280多公里,西去广州130公里;广惠、惠河等高速公路及广梅汕铁路在区内贯穿而过,构成了四通八达、便利快捷的水、陆、空交通网络, 是泛珠三角经济圈的重要交通枢纽之一。近年来,惠城区牢固树立和落实科学发展观,坚持工业立区、科教兴区的发展战略;内抓改革、外抓引进,加速发展第三产业,大力发展商品农业,积极推进经济结构调整,把握数量与质量、规模与结构、速度与效益的统一,国民经济运行良好,综合实力不断增强,先后荣获首批国家电子信息产业基地、全国科技进步先进区、全国科技进步示范区…… Located in the economically active Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, Huizhou City Huicheng District is located in the economically active Pearl River Delta Economic Area. It is the seat and central area of ​​the Huizhou municipal government. It is also the political, economic, military, cultural center and commodity distribution center of the whole city and even the entire Dongjiang valley. Obvious advantages are obvious. The Beijing-Kowloon Railway links the vast hinterland to the north and reaches Beijing directly. The Shenzhen Expressway goes south to Shenzhen and Hong Kong only over 80 km. The Guang-Shan Highway traverses east-west and east to Shantou more than 280 km. Guangzhou 130 km; Guanghui, Huihe and other highways and Guang-Mei-Shan Railway runs through the area, forming a convenient, convenient and efficient transport network of water, land and air, the Pan-Pearl River Delta economic circle is an important transportation hub one. In recent years, Huicheng District has firmly established and implemented the scientific concept of development, adhered to the development strategy of establishing industrial areas and boosting the area of ​​science and education. Internally grasping the reform and introducing foreign markets, accelerating the development of the tertiary industry, vigorously developing commercial agriculture, actively promoting economic restructuring, Grasping the unity of quantity and quality, scale and structure, speed and efficiency, the national economy has been operating well and its overall strength has been continuously enhanced. It has won the first batch of national electronic information industry bases, the national advanced science and technology progress zone, and the national science and technology progress demonstration zone.
灾情就是 命令 8月14日13时,按照云南省军区、玉溪军分区的命令,新平县人武部集结了250名民兵应 The disaster is an order At 13:00 on August 14, according to the orde
冬天即将来临,草儿枯了,花儿谢了,而我的思绪却还停留在春天那片灿烂的桃花林中。记得曾有这样一位老师,在我对学习丧失了信心也失去了兴趣的时候,是她温暖了我的 Winter is
老妈在她的姐妹中有“智多星”的称号,阿姨们有事总喜欢找她商量。你别看我老妈身材娇小,但天生一副大嗓门。老爸戏称她的嗓子快赶得上高八度的小喇叭了。在家里,老妈有一种强大的震慑力,只要她两眼一瞪,我和老爸绝对会乖乖地作温顺状。  出现这样的情况是有原因的。老妈掌控着家里的财政大权,在支出上有一票否决权,惹急了她,我的零花钱估计就要缩水了。而老爸怕老妈的原因就多了,其中一个重要的原因是老爸自认为智商没我
有一年,一支英国探险队进入撒哈拉沙漠的某个地区,在茫茫的沙海里跋涉。酷烈的阳光下,漫天飞舞的风沙像炒红的铁砂一般,扑打着探险队员的面孔。口渴似炙,心急如焚——大家 O
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