Theoretical and experimental study of the thermal conductivity of nanoporous media

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bxybown
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The nanoparticle thermal conductivity and nanoscale thermal contact resistance were investigated by molecular dynamics(MD) simulations to further understand nanoscale porous media thermal conductivity.Macroscale porous media thermal conductivity models were then revised for nanoporous media.The effective thermal conductivities of two packed beds with nanoscale nickel particles and a packed bed with microscale nickel particles were then measured using the Hot Disk.The measured results show that the nano/microscale porous media thermal conductivities were much less than the thermal conductivities of the solid particles.Comparison of the measured and calculated results shows that the revised combined parallel-series model and the revised Hsu-Cheng model can accurately predict the effective thermal conductivities of micro-and nanoparticle packed beds. The nanoparticle thermal conductivity and nanoscale thermal contact resistance were investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to further understand nanoscale porous media thermal conductivity. Macroscale porous media thermal conductivity models were then revised for nanoporous media. The effective thermal conductivities of two packed beds with nanoscale nickel particles and then packed using microscale nickel particles were then measured using the Hot Disk. The measured results show the nano / microscale porous media thermal conductivities were much less than the thermal conductivities of the solid particles. Comparison of the measured and calculated results shows that the revised combined parallel-series model and the revised Hsu-Cheng model can accurately predict the effective thermal conductivities of micro-and nanoparticle packed beds.
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一、语言的“格式化”现象——世间尽成普通话    最近,我和一位女同事参加教研活动。在路上,无意间听她谈到她婆婆现在也会说“普通话”了。我就好奇地问:“老人小时候就没上什么学,现在年纪这么大了,干嘛还要学普通话呀?”“不学不行啊,我儿子一出生,我们都说普通话,这样孩子就一步到位学会了普通话。我给婆婆布置了任务,一定要尽快学会普通话,不能影响孙子的文化成长。”闻听这套理论,我顿生疑惑:“那你的儿子只