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影响中国农民增收的因素很多,农民的负担也不仅仅局限于农业税,他们可能还得缴纳其它的费用,因此有了“头税轻,二税重,三税是个无底洞”的民间说法,主要原因就是有些地方将其它税种附着在农业税上、伪装成“皇粮国税”搭车征收,这实际上是一种地方和部门挪用国家强制力、透支农民对国家的信任的行为。 There are many factors that affect the income increase of peasants in China. The peasants’ burden is not limited to the agricultural tax. They may have to pay other fees. Therefore, the main reason for this is the non-governmental opinion of “top tax, heavy tax and bottom trillion tax” That is, in some places, other taxes are attached to the agricultural tax and camouflaged as a “royal grain tax” to be levied by vehicles. This is actually an act where local governments and departments divert state coercion and overdraw peasants’ trust in the country.
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有相当一部分临床医生对相对数的概念不理解 ,常把“率”和“构成比”相混淆 ,把“发病率”与“患病率”、“死亡率”与“病死率”相混淆。此类错误看起来好象是基本常识 ,但
随着卫生事业和科学技术的飞速发展以及知识经济时代的到来 ,对卫生事业管理人才提出了更高的要求 ,他们不仅要有较扎实的卫生管理知识 ,还要有广泛的社会科学知识 ;不仅要有
质量是杂志生存和发展的源泉,为使杂志从内容到形式实现一个质的飞跃,2006年 本刊将实行全新改版。改版后的杂志整体装帧设计大为改观,全部采用彩色印刷(封 面、封底采用157g
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