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它曾经走出创新路,如今无人问津。很多人,尤其是老北京人,都存在着这样的疑问:像长城风雨衣这样过去十分流行的中国服装品牌哪去了?上世纪80年代初到90年代末,长城风雨衣曾风靡全国大江南北近20年。现如今在北京只保留了一幢“长城大厦”。当时,人们走在街头,时髦男女以穿着“长城牌”风雨衣为流行潮流。打开电视,长城风雨衣的广告接连不断;翻看报纸,赞扬长城风雨衣历任“领头人”张洁世、王锡贵的 It has been out of innovation, no one cares now. Many people, especially the Pekingese, there is such a question: the Great Wall rain coat like this in the past very popular Chinese clothing brand gone? The early 80s of last century to the late 90s, the Great Wall rain coat has swept the country near the river 20 years. Now in Beijing only retained a “Great Wall Building.” At that time, people walked the streets, fashion men and women to wear “Great Wall ” rain coat as the fashion trend. Turn on the television, the Great Wall raincoat ads one after another; look at the newspaper, praised the Great Wall raincoat served as “leader ” Zhang Jie Shi, Wang Xigui
每个制造业强国背后都有一支强大的高技能人才队伍做支撑。有关数据显示:日本高技能人才在技术人才中的比例为4 0%,德国达到50%,而我国技能劳动者占就业人员总量的20.3%,高技
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At the invitation of the National Research Foundation of Singapore(NRF) and the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT),an NSFC 5-person delegation in scie
本文介绍了测距仪在山西万家寨引黄工程竖井高程联系测量中的应用及精度评估。 This paper introduces the application and accuracy evaluation of the range finder in m
通过对水套结构改造,消除汽腔,解决干烧裂纹,并根据受力分析进行了加固消除了晃动,从而提高了水套的使用寿命。 Through the water jacket structural reform, eliminating the