拓宽思路 转换机制 加快住宅发展和城市建设步伐——李振东在全国建设工作会议上的讲话

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一、抓住机遇,大力发展住宅建设过去的一年,各级政府和建设系统通过积极推进城镇住宅建设投资体制、建设体制、分配体制和管理体制的改革,动员各方面力量,使全国的住宅建设有了新的发展。1993年全国城市住宅建设竣工面积可望达到2亿平方米左右,住宅建设投资达3060亿元,创造了建国以来历史最高水平。但是,总的来看,我国城镇住房紧张问题远没有得到根本性的缓解,全国仅设市城市还有人均居住面积4平方米以下的困难户400多万户,还有3000多万平方米危险住房急需改造。各地区住房发展水平也很不平衡,全国城市中人均居住面积超过8平方米的有172个,其中,超过10平方米的56个;而人均居住面积低于7平方米的有203个,其中低于6平方米的有61个。这种差距还表现在行业之间、单位之间。有关部门对12个省市区职工住房情况抽样调查表明,职工对目前居住状况的满意程度仍较低,住房困难仍是职工群众急切盼望解决的首要问题。为了在“八五”期间解决人均居住面积3—4平方米以下住房困难户的住房问题,并实现到本世纪末人均居住水平达到8平方米的战略目标,我们的任务是十分艰 I. Seizing the Opportunity and Vigorously Developing Housing Construction Over the past year, governments at all levels and the construction system mobilized all aspects of power through active promotion of the investment system for housing construction in urban areas, the construction of the system, the allocation of labor and the management of housing in all parts of the country Construction has taken a new turn. In 1993, the completed area of ​​urban housing construction in the whole country is expected to reach 200 million square meters, and the investment in residential construction will reach 306 billion yuan, creating the highest historical level since the founding of the People’s Republic. However, in general, the problem of urban housing shortage in our country has not yet been fundamentally alleviated. In the whole country, there are only more than 4 million needy households living below 4 square meters per capita in urban areas and more than 30 million square meters Urgent need to transform housing. Housing development in various regions is also very uneven. There are 172 cities with per capita living space of more than 8 square meters in the country, of which 56 are over 10 square meters; while 203 have less than 7 square meters of living space per capita There are 61 below 6 square meters. This gap is also manifested in the industry, between units. A sample survey of the housing situation of staff and workers in 12 provinces and municipalities shows that the level of satisfaction of employees with the current living conditions is still low, and the housing difficulties are still the primary problems that the workers and masses are eager to solve. In order to solve the housing problem of people living in hardship under 3-4 square meters per capita living space and achieve the strategic goal of 8 square meters per capita living by the end of this century, our task is very difficult
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