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居住空间设计是环境艺术专业室内设计方向本科生所开设的主干课程,基于该课程应用性、实践性较强的特点,以及我系开展实践型专业转型的契机,对该门课程的改革显得十分必要。在教学中应避免传统教学模式中出现的过于注重理论教学,却忽视实践训练的现象。课程设置应从市场需求为出发点,制定符合社会需要的课程内容,让学生成为课堂的主角,通过不断实践来探索知识,有效提高教学质量,从而达到学校、学生、企业三方收益的结果。从而不断促进我系转型时期,应用型人才的培养。 The design of living space is the main course for undergraduates majoring in interior design of environmental art major. Based on the characteristics of practicality and practicability of this course, as well as the opportunity of carrying out the transformation of practical specialty in our department, the reform of this course is quite significant necessary. In teaching, we should avoid the phenomena of over-emphasis on theory teaching and neglect of practice training in the traditional teaching mode. Curriculum should be from the market demand as the starting point, the development of curriculum content in line with social needs, so that students become the protagonist of the classroom, through continuous practice to explore knowledge and effectively improve the quality of teaching, so as to achieve the results of tri-party benefits for schools, students and enterprises. So as to continuously promote the transformation of our department, the application of personnel training.
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我们今天所处的时代是一个尊重个性、展示个性、塑造个性的时代,是呼唤学生个性健康成长,创造能力得以充分发展的时代。在学校教育中评价作为一种促进学生发展的重要手 The
为了探讨肺癌与微量元素之间的关系 ,采用PE30 30型原子吸收分光光度计对 30 0例肺癌、50例肺良性疾病患者及 10 0名健康成人的血清进行了铜、锌、铁、锰、钙水平及铜 /锌比