写一首歌给你 说我那么爱你

来源 :男生女生(银版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmzh369
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凭歌寄意,人们总是喜欢用歌声传达心声。爱也好,恨也好,都唱到歌里面。让全世界人为证,那份感情永远留在时间里。本期,四叶草编编给生米推荐这样几首唱给特定的人或物的歌,一起来分享他们的心声。 With the meaning of songs, people always like to use voice to convey their voices. Love Ye Hao, hate Ye Hao, all sing songs. Let the world people to prove that share of feelings will always stay in the time. This issue, Clover compiled to recommend a few raw rice to sing a few people or things to sing, together to share their feelings.
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