在大自然中让孩子们“野”起来 ——浅谈巧用乡土自然资源创设丰富的游戏环境

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大自然中有着丰富的自然资源和科学知识,教育家陶行知曾经说过:“大自然是活教材,给幼儿提供了丰富的材料,是幼儿最好的游戏场地。”我园地处农村,最优越的环境就是大自然,周边的自然环境为幼儿提供了丰富有趣的游戏场所,是孩子们欢乐的游乐场地。作为一名幼儿教师,应尽力去挖掘大自然的自然资源,摆脱幼儿园场地的限制,走进自然,充分利用身边的自然资源促进幼儿的发展,那么如何真正利用好大自然资源呢? Nature has a wealth of natural resources and scientific knowledge, Tao Xingzhi educator once said: “Nature is a living material for young children to provide a wealth of materials, is the best playground for young children. ” Rural, the most superior environment is nature, the surrounding natural environment for young children to provide a rich and interesting place for the children is a happy playground. As a kindergarten teacher, we should try our best to tap the natural resources of nature, get rid of the restrictions of kindergarten, walk into nature and make full use of the natural resources around us to promote the development of young children. How to make good use of natural resources?
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