Performance Analysis in Cloud Radio Access Networks: User-Centralized Coordination Approach

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goldsir1
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The cloud radio access network(C-RAN) has recently been proposed as an important component of the next generation wireless networks providing opportunities for improving both spectral and energy effi ciencies. The performance of this network structure is however constrained by severe inter-cell interference due to the limited capacity of fronthaul between the radio remote heads(RRH) and the base band unit(BBU) pool. To achieve performance improvement taking full advantage of centralized processing capabilities of C-RANs,a set of RRHs can jointly transmit data to the same UE for improved spectral effi ciency. In this paper,a user centralized joint coordinated transmission(UC-JCT) scheme is put forth to investigate the downlink performance of C-RANs. The most important benefit the proposed strategy is the ability to translate what would have been the most dominant interfering sources to usable signal leading to a signifi cantly improved performance. Stochastic geometry is utilized to model the randomness of RRH location and provides a reliable performance analysis. We derive an analytical expression for the closed integral form of the coverage probability of a typical UE. Simulation results confirm the accuracy of our analysis and demonstrate that significant performance gain can be achieved from the proposed coordination schemes. The cloud of radio network (C-RAN) has recently been proposed as an important component of the next generation wireless networks providing opportunities for improving both spectral and energy effi ciencies. The performance of this network structure was constrained by severe inter-cell interference due to the limited capacity of fronthaul between the radio remote heads (RRH) and the base band unit (BBU) pool. To achieve performance improvement taking full advantage of centralized processing capabilities of C-RANs, a set of RRHs can be coupled transmit data to the same UE for improved spectral effi ciency. In this paper, a user centralized joint coordinated transmission (UC-JCT) scheme is put forth to investigate the downlink performance of C-RANs. The most important benefit the proposed strategy is the ability to translate what would have been the most dominant interfering sources to usable signal leading to a signifi cantly improved performance. Stochastic geometry is utilized to mod el the randomness of RRH location and provide a reliable performance analysis. We derive an analytical expression for the closed integral form of the coverage probability of a typical UE. Simulation results confirm the accuracy of our analysis and demonstrate that significant performance gain can be achieved from the proposed coordination schemes.
“Meige综合征”是由法国神经学家Henry Meige首先描述的一组椎体外系疾患。主要表现为双眼睑痉挛,口下颌肌张力障碍,面部肌张力失调样不自主运动。本文对滞针提拉法治疗Meige
她有一双又黑又亮、犀利如刀的眼睛,还有一张“不鸣则已,一鸣惊人”的嘴巴。她,就是我那老摆着一副严肃表情的妈妈。妈妈像个大侦探,我犯了什么“天规”,总逃不过她的眼睛。  有一次,爸爸妈妈出门去奶奶家。他们前脚刚走,我后脚立刻打开电脑玩游戏。我玩着玩着,不知过了多久,眼看只差一点就可以升级了,突然听到大门“吱呀”一声响。肯定是爸爸妈妈回来了!平时爸爸妈妈都不让我玩电脑,要是被他们发现我偷偷玩,非得挨上