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2014年3月29~30日在成都进行的全国投掷公开赛,系2014年国内首项室外赛季场地比赛。之前三个月的室内赛季,有五项室内全国纪录被刷新。成都比赛的第一天,就传出喜讯,在女子链球较量中,来自陕西的王峥以77.68米夺冠,将自己的个人最好成绩提高了近3米,并大幅度改写了张文秀保持的76.99米的亚洲纪录和全国纪录。六投五次超出71米 The national throwing open tournament in Chengdu from March 29 to March 30, 2014 is the first outdoor venue competition in 2014 in China. In the previous three months of the indoor season, five indoor national records were refreshed. On the first day of the competition in Chengdu, there was a good news that Wang Zheng from Shaanxi won 77.68 meters and improved his personal best score by almost 3 meters in the women’s hammer-throwing match and drastically revised Zhang Wenxiu’s 76.99 Asian record and national record of rice. Six throws five more than 71 meters
从今后农机市场的发展来看 ,农机产品将成为机械行业发展重点。国家机械局在《机械工业产品结构调整指导意见》中提出 :第一、我国将重点发展80 -160马力大中型拖拉机。我国现有大
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