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“手莫伸,伸手必被捉。”大庆市国税局一批干部违纪违法间题的暴露,又一次证明了这句话的正确性。 在震惊全国的大庆联谊股票案涉及的人员和单位中,大庆市国税局特别引人注目,其涉案人员较多,且数额巨大。在此案查处中,还牵出了该单位及一批干部,涉嫌多宗犯罪事实。目前,主要犯罪嫌疑人均已被开除党籍,由司法机关依法处理。 送股单上发现嫌疑人 去年1月,黑龙江省检察院参加中央大庆联谊股累案联合调查组工作时发现,1997年5月,大庆联谊公司在社会公众股上市后,用银行贷款以公司28名职工的名义,把即将于同年底上市的500万内部职工股买 “Hand Mo Teng, hand will be caught.” Daqing City IRS cadres discipline and law exposed a number of issues, once again proved the correctness of this sentence. Among the personnel and units involved in the Daqing Association, which stunned the country, the State Taxation Bureau of Daqing City was particularly noticeable with more personnel involved and a huge amount of money. In the investigation and handling of this case, the unit and a number of cadres were also brought out and involved in a number of criminal facts. At present, all the major suspects have been expelled from the party and handled by the judicial organs according to law. In January last year, the Heilongjiang Provincial Procuratorate to participate in the joint investigation team work of the Central Daqing Association shares found that in May 1997, Daqing Lianyi in the public shares listed, with bank loans to the company 28 In the name of employees, the company will buy 5 million internal staff shares that are about to be listed at the end of the same year
For those of us who have gathered the proper willpower to take that first step on the road to Chinese language fluency, a commonality is shared. We are a brotherhood. A sisterhood. A peoplehood of the
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