The Study on the Noncovalent Complexes of Silver Ion with Xanthone Diglycosides by Electrospray Ioni

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuyi50488
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The silver ionic complexes of xanthone glycosides were studied by ESI-MS/MS in the positive ion mode. The fragmentation pathways of silver ionic complexes under collision- induced dissociation (CID) were investigated and the differences in MS/MS spectra of different silver ionic complexes of xanthones were correlated to the characterization of saccharide and the coordination pattern of silver ion with xanthones, including the glycosilation position and linkage type of disaccharide (1-2 and 1-6 linkages). The silver ionic complexes of xanthone glycosides were studied by ESI-MS / MS in the positive ion mode. The fragmentation pathways of silver ionic complexes under collision-induced dissociation (CID) were investigated and the differences in MS / MS spectra of different silver ionic complexes of xanthones were correlated to the characterization of saccharide and the coordination pattern of silver ion with xanthones, including the glycosilation position and linkage type of disaccharide (1-2 and 1-6 linkages).
<正> 信息与权力的关系是一个古老的话题,“知己知彼,百战不殆”,“知识就是力量”早已深入人心。但随着信息技术日新月异的发展,以及冷战后国际关系的复杂化趋势,信息与权力的内涵正在扩大,需要我们重新审视两者的内在联系。本文拟从信息和权力的概念出发,就信息与权力的关系在国际关系领域的新发展进行一些探讨。
 病历摘要  韩××,男,39岁,住院号:52186。左侧鼻塞,伴粘液脓性分泌物、间歇性血性鼻涕20余天,于1997年12月25日就诊。经门诊诊断“左侧鼻息肉”。因鼻腔肿物表面溃烂,鼻腔有脓性分泌物,决定消炎治