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江泽民总书记在党的十五届五中全会上指出:“新世纪之初我国经济发展的主线,是积极推进经济结构的战略性调整,要牢固树立向调整要速度要效益的新发展观,坚持在发展中加快结构调整,在结构调整中促进发展。”结合达州实际,我认为,结构调整,重点在工业,难点在工业,亮点也在工业。抓好工业结构调整,必须大胆探索,勇于创新,在企业所有制结构、产业结构、产品结构、组织结构上取得突破,这是实施工业结构调整的内在因素和治本之策。调整工业结构,必须实施所有制结构创新。国有经济要缩短战线,重点是搞好关系国计民生和经济命脉的重要行业和关键领域。所有制结构调整,要坚持“有进有退”和“有所为有所不为”的原则,按照“大力倡导、 At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out: "The main line of China’s economic development at the beginning of the new century is to actively advance the strategic adjustment of the economic structure, and it is necessary to firmly establish a new development concept that requires speed and efficiency in adjustment. We must persist in speeding up structural adjustment during development and promote development in structural adjustment.” In light of Dazhou’s actual conditions, I believe that structural adjustment focuses on industry, the difficulties are in industry, and the highlights are also in industry. In order to do a good job in industrial restructuring, we must make bold explorations, be bold in making innovations, and make breakthroughs in the ownership structure, industrial structure, product structure, and organizational structure of enterprises. This is an intrinsic and fundamental solution to industrial restructuring. To adjust the industrial structure, we must implement ownership structure innovation. The state-owned economy must shorten the front, and the key is to do a good job in key industries and key areas related to the national economy, the people’s livelihood, and the economic lifeline. In the adjustment of the ownership structure, we must adhere to the principle of “advancing with progress and retreat” and “do something for nothing” and follow the principle of “advocating vigorously”.
重点推荐:    《女人内调外养美颜经》 李天灵 著 吉林科学技术出版社 ¥26.00  时间是女人最大的敌人,嬉笑间青春年少的日子就一去不复返。这时,许多姐妹们忽然发现自己满脸黯淡无光、暗疮、色素,无论用多厚的化妆品也遮盖不住。  其实,养颜并不难。日常生活中随时随地都可以找到很多方法,成本很低,也很安全,只是看你是否用心在留意。  这本书就是从女人最切身的问题入手,通过作者多年的经验总结,与您
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