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当前在涉枪案件中。犯罪分子利用国外旧、杂式枪支杀人作案有所增加,由于受到枪弹的种类、数量及质量的限制,除发射原装的适用弹种外。发射再加工的复装枪弹已成为一个新特点,加上我们自身对这类枪支了解相对较少,这些无疑给认定发射枪种带来了难度。因此,在重视识别现场发射弹种的同时,应加强研究国外旧、杂式枪支射击弹痕所反映出的枪种特征。笔者结合本市“93.8.15”枪案现场弹痕的检验情况,谈谈对比利时1910年7.65mm勃朗宁式手枪射击弹壳上定位槽痕迹研究的体会。 Currently involved in gun cases. Criminals who use old and miscellaneous guns murdered overseas have increased their crime of murdering. Due to restrictions on the type, quantity and quality of bullets, criminals have not only launched the original applicable bullets. The firing of remanufactured refueling bullets has become a new feature, coupled with the fact that we know relatively little about such firearms, which undoubtedly makes it difficult to identify launching guns. Therefore, while paying more attention to identifying the types of bullets fired at the scene, we should study more closely the characteristics of gun types reflected in the bullets of old and miscellaneous guns fired abroad. The author with the city “93.8.15” gun test scene of the bullet, to talk about Belgium in 1910 7.65mm Browning pistol firing shell positioning groove traces of the study experience.
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