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在深圳的建筑施工行业,活跃着一支以科技为本、靠科技兴业的建筑队伍,她就是中建二局深圳二公司。这个50年代组建的国家建设部建筑企业,几十年如一日,靠着50年代的创业精神,80年代的现代管理,攻下了无数个难以攻克的堡垒,创下了无数个难以达到的高速度,终于走出了一条以科技领先开路,以科技进步保工期、保质量,以科技优势创信誉求效益的成功之路。 中建二局深圳二公司目1991年起参加妈湾电厂工程建设以来,承接了强夯、砂振冲、打HP钢桩等地基处理工程和电厂主厂房系统、除灰系统、供水系统、电气系统等主要工程项目的施工任务,完成了约占电厂一期土建工程总投资的60%的工作最。在这座用砂石镇起的基地上要建起一座现代化的电厂,施工中遇到的技术难题是很多的,作为妈湾电厂土建工程的主攻单位,他们肩上的担子异常沉重。面对电厂施工工期紧、任务重、难度大的现实,他们成功的秘诀是什么呢? In the construction industry in Shenzhen, there is an active construction team based on science and technology and relying on science and technology to build a business. She is the second company in the Shenzhen Construction Second Bureau. The construction company of the Ministry of Construction built in the 1950s, for decades, relied on the pioneering spirit of the 1950s and the modern management of the 1980s to capture numerous insurmountable fortresses and set numerous unstoppable high speeds. Finally, we have come out with a road to success with science and technology, a scientific and technological progress guarantee period, quality assurance, and a scientific and technological advantage to create a reputation for success. The Shenzhen No.2 Bureau of the China Construction Second Bureau has been involved in the construction of the Mawan Power Plant since 1991. It has undertaken foundation treatment projects such as Qiangling, Shazheng Chong, and HP Steel Piles, and the main powerhouse system, ash removal system, water supply system, and electrical The construction tasks of major engineering projects, such as systems, completed the work that accounted for about 60% of the total investment in the first phase of the civil works of the power plant. A modern power plant has to be built on the base where sandstone is used. There are many technical problems encountered during construction. As the main unit of the civil engineering works of Mawan Power Plant, the burden on their shoulders is extremely heavy. Faced with the fact that power plants are built with tight schedules, heavy tasks, and difficult realities, what are the secrets of their success?
本文通过对百年中国文学的深刻嬗变的论述,认为从19世纪到 20世纪,我国文学产生了观念、对象、形态、性质和生产与消费规模的深刻变化。而正是这种变化,使我国文学终于从古典走向了
2000年4月15日是我父亲黄源洛的九十诞辰 ,但他离开我们已整整十一年了 ,当我默默地注视着父亲的遗像 ,他生前的往事就会像潮水般涌向脑海 ,心底的怀念也油然而生。他用时代的音符谱