Theme Parks Witness Strong Consumption Demands

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  Universal Beijing Resort(Universal Studios Beijing) opened up officially on September 20. This theme park project was signed off 20 years ago, and project construction has lasted 7 years. Universal Studios Beijing is the world’s fifth, Asia’s third and the largest Universal Studios theme park globally.
  According to, China has about 5,000 theme park companies. During the first 8 months of this year, about 276 companies were newly registered, down by 32.1% from last year. Guangdong features 1,288 registered companies, the largest number of all provinces and followed by Sichuan Province. Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Huizhou are also top 3 cities featuring the largest number of theme parks.
  Universal Studios Beijing stimulates investment into surrounding areas
  The opening of Universal Studios Beijing is good news for the tourism market during the summer holiday. It also injects great momentum into the cultural and tourism market which is recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  As a studio entertainment themed park enjoying equal popularity with Disneyland, Universal Studios Beijing features popular IPs like “Harry Potter”, “Minions”,“Transformers”, and “Jurassic World”. Excited fans represent increasing consumption demands. It is currently very difficult to buy a ticket, as the theme park has become extremely popular. The high price of tickets in the scalper market is only one example of the popularity of the park.
  As early as 2020, China Securities made a forecast that Universal Studios Beijing would attract a total of 15-20 million tourists each year after opening up to the public. Average expenditure for each person was estimated to surpass RMB 1,500 and the annual turnover was estimated to reach RMB 25-30 billion. In addition, Universal Studios Beijing will also increase the number of tourists visiting restaurants, hotels and taking part in tourist shopping in Beijing by about 15%, and the annual incremental GDP as a result of the park will be about RMB 65 billion. The total revenue including the themed park will reach RMB 100 billion.

  As branch a company of Universal Pictures, Universal Studios features rich IP resources. Besides selfowned IPs, Universal Studios also purchased content from other companies. In addition, Universal Pictures also designed its themed parks in different countries by incorporating local cultural elements. Universal Studios has extended its business from upper chain to lower chain of the market, from marketing channels to consumption, and created a large cultural and entertainment business layout.   According to the Survey Report on World Themed Parks issued by AECOM, the Universal Pictures Group has seen the number of its received customers rising from 2011 to 2019, ranking fourth in the world in 2019.
  According to Wang Songsheng, Deputy Director of Tongzhou Cultural Tourism Zone Management Committee, phase I of Universal Studios Beijing is expected to receive between 12 million and 15 million visitors per year. The annual sales will reach at least RMB 500 million, if calculated by the minimum one-person ticket price of RMB 418. If all projects are put into operation, the annual sales revenue will reach up to RMB 20 billion.
  On September 17, Yu Xuezhong, Deputy General Manager of the Beijing Tourism Group, said at the 2021 Beijing Municipal Administration Center Cultural Tourism Industry Summit that Universal Studios Beijing is expected to receive 10-12 million tourists per year, which will directly create a local cultural tourism consumption market of nearly RMB 100 billion.
  Dai Bin, President of the China Tourism Academy, said in a recent media interview that according to public data, the supporting investment of the Universal Beijing Resort has reached RMB 53 billion. Calculated by the investment multiplier of 3, the project will stimulate a total investment of RMB 200 billion directly or indirectly. Plus the investment into the themed park, Universal Studios Beijing will lift Beijing’s GDP by 1.02% each year. According to Dai Bin, Universal Studios Beijing will increase Beijing’s tourism revenue by 4.8% each year after opening up.
  China’s themed park industry revenue will reach USD 13.8 billion
  According to international analy sis institution Research and Markets, China’s themed park market scale(by sales revenue) reached USD 8.5 billion in 2020. It is estimated the CAGR during 2020 and 2027 will reach 7.2%, and the market scale is expected to reach USD 13.8 billion in 2027.
  According to, there are currently 5000 theme park-or park-related enterprises in China, and the registration of related enterprises has shown an increasing trend in the recent decade. The number of registered enterprises was small in the year before 2015, and it exceeded 900 for the first time in 2016. During 2017 and 2019, each year saw more than 1,000 newly-registered enterprises, with the year 2017 featuring 1,075 registered enterprises, the largest of the three years and up by 12.3% from the previous year.
  From January to August, 2021, there were 276 newly-registered theme park-and park-related enterprises in China, down by 44.2% from the previous year. According the data of registration in the first 8 months, the registration volume of theme parks and parks in China will show a downward trend this year.   With the rapid growth of China’s economy in recent years, the theme park industry has also seen huge development momentum. In terms of regional distribution, the theme parks are mainly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta with Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the center, the Yangtze River Delta with Shanghai and Suzhou as the center and the Bohai Sea ring area. Large-scale theme parks can also be seen regularly in first-tier cities of central and western China, including Changsha, Wuhan and Chengdu.
  In terms of regional distribution, data from shows that Guangdong Province features 1,288 theme park-related enterprises, ranking first in China. Sichuan Province ranks second, with 325 theme park related enterprises. Anhui Province ranks third, with 298 theme park-related enterprises.
  In terms of city distribution, data from shows that China’s themed park related enterprises are mainly distributed in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Huizhou. Shenzhen features 699 such enterprises, having a long lead in the ranking. Guangzhou and Huizhou rank second and third, with 256 and 157 such enterprises respectively. Xi’an ranks fourth, with 116 enterprises. Haikou, Hefei and Chengdu and other cities follow the ranking.
  There are more theme parks in China’s south than the north. The opening of Universal Studios Beijing has reshaped the landscape of China’s tourism industry. China’s top theme park industry will see a dual player pattern with “Disneyland in the south and Universal Studios in the north”. The tourism market of China’s north has changed completely as it posses a heavyweight theme park.
  In terms of the types of theme parks in China, entertainment/facility-supported theme parks currently take half of the market share. All the types of theme parks, including traditional facility-supported amusement park (like Happy Valley), scenic spot featuring tourism and performing arts (such as Worldland), and sea animal theme parks (such as Chimelong, Haichang, etc.), are transforming towards leisure and vacation business through expanding venues, creating city block scenes, and developing new projects and tourism facilities. Now in the Chinese theme park market, China OCT, Chimelong and Huangqiang Fangte are the top 3 players. The other market shares are mostly taken by Dalian Shengya, Songcheng of the Yangtze River Delta region and Haichang Sea Park.
  Theme park competition between domestic and international brands
  Since Disneyland opened up its theme park in Shanghai in 2016, international theme park giants including Universal Studios, Six flags, Lego and DreamWorks have been targeting the broad space of China’s theme park market and accelerating their investments. The entry of foreign players has kindled domestic tourists’ enthusiasm of consumption, raise people’s acceptance of the high ticket prices of theme parks, and help reduce the dependence of theme park’s revenue on ticket price through diversified consumption models. In the future the theme park industry has longterm growth potential. The domestic market competition will focus on contents, IP industrialization and differentiated operation.   With the rise of domestic brand theme parks, local original brands have gradually developed from Panyu Wildlife Park, Windows of the World, OCT, Happy Valley to brand families including Chimelong, Wanda, Haichang and Songcheng. These brand families have occupied important position of China’s theme park industry and formed a new competition pattern with overseas brands.
  At present, theme parks in China are mainly distributed in Beijing, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and other economically developed regions. The theme park market of first-tier cities has become saturated. Domestic players shall also face competitions from international giants such as Disney and Universal Studios. Theme park operators are expanding their businesses in second-tier and third-tier cities. For example, Huaqiang Fangte have built Fangte park projects in Fuling of Chongqing and Mianyang and Zigong of Sichuan; Haichang Ocean Park, which features marine animals, has opened the Caribbean Sea World and Haichang Polar Ocean Park in Chongqing and Chengdu respectively; Time Warner and DreamWorks will invest RMB 200 billion in Zhuhai to build a theme park; the parent company of Paramount, a Hollywood film and television company, plans to build an animation studio in Foshan with the animation IP of Nick. Most of the above mentioned theme parks are located in second-tier and third-tier cities where the land and operation costs are low. Considering the rising consumption of domestic market, in the future there will be more theme parks in lower-tier cities.

  Industry insiders pointed out that with the comprehensive implementation of the second-child policy in China and the relaxation of thirdchild policy at the meeting of State Council in May 2021 means that there will be sufficient customers for theme parks. Family trips frequently include theme parks,with 2-3 times each year or 1-2 times each quarter, which brings great potential for consumption. Family trips also feature high customer loyalty and re-visit rate. Theme parks conform to the characteristics of the family trip and will benefit a lot from more family trips.
  In addition, after several rounds of repeated international pandemics mean that the future trend is still unclear. The persistence of strict quarantine policies has forced Chinese tourists to mostly travel at home, which has created a large market for short-trips and travel at home. Tourists who would have traveled outside before the pandemics are now looking for quality opportunities domestically, providing high travel consumption within China. The theme parks have seen a rapid recovery of tourist reception, as they are important destinations for suchtrips. Different from traditional natural sight-seeing travel, shorttrip travel mainly focuses on leisure and relaxation and theme parks are important travel elements for those areas that might lack natural scenic spots.
我一直固执地认为,秋天是有味道的。  想起秋天,我总是想起母亲。  一到秋天,母亲的菜园子里便热闹起来。  辣椒挑着小灯笼,为秋虫照亮夜行的路;冬瓜披着白纱,急着嫁给秋风;茄子穿上紫袍,不知道荣升几品官员;丝瓜一个劲儿地爬呀爬,高举着黄色的杯盏,餐风饮露,品味阳光月光。还有小青菜、大白菜,成垄成行,列队排在秋天的阳光下,葳蕤生光。  有人说,美食是人最深的乡愁。一个人长大后,总有些滋味,只能停留在
一场细雨,陡然一凉,才发觉秋天悄悄地向我们走来,让秋风抖落了一地的薄凉。蓦然回首,已是草木萧疏、寒气袭人之时。一些花儿开始凋谢了,一朵一朵的花瓣在空中散落,飘着淡淡的余香。路边的梧桐开始抖去黄叶,一片一片落在地上,给这秋增添了几分淡淡的凄凉。街边的垂柳、国槐等树木,已然失去了蓬勃葱茏之势,孤零零地挂着稀稀落落的叶子,与日渐臃肿的行人形成了明显的反差。走进秋天,一切都是过去,一切又要重新开始。  秋
早上刚醒,小二爬上我的床,拉着我的手向窗外指了指喊道:“大哥,太阳。”我“嗯”了一声, 他又指了指窗外,再次喊道:“大哥,太阳。”我不想搭理他,可犹豫片刻终究是拖着长音再次“嗯”了一声。他仿佛能察觉到我情绪的波动,于是走过来拉着我的手,指向窗外最后喊道:“大哥,太阳。”  我顺着他的手指的方向,向远望去,空中一团金黄耀眼的光芒映入眼帘。我下意识地抬起了手,一抹暖流洗遍了全身。我缓缓地张开手指企图适
有许多的梦,是从走入大山开始的,有许多的沸腾,也是从走入山中的银涧开始雀跃的。而藏于大山深处的古朴,则是从我步行于山中后偶遇的。那是一个无法用言语形容的惊奇与惊喜,一如心中渴望的沁溢于心扉的旋律,如放飞于空中的烂漫阳光,在幽空的山谷中,慢慢地旋,走进这世外桃源般的宁静山寨——西江。  没有什么比纯朴更显华贵和雍容。西江的苗寨,像是一个个在排着迎客的队列,袅袅的轻烟,都闪动着每一个苗家人的质纯,唱着
三月如歌,万物齐吟,南风暖窗,桃红李白。如此明媚的春日,我避开尘世的喧嚣,取道温州平阳余思坑,寻访百年隐市余思坑。  余思坑(又名俞施坑),缘于民国《平阳县志》的“俞施坑有小市”之说。市者,隐也。我想一个被当地人戏谑为土著部落的小山村,却有着五代愿齐开基的吉祥寺和著名诗僧木鱼法师的足迹,由是,这“小市”确是值得探访了。  从平阳县城出发,往南雁荡山深处走去,两个多小时的车程,来到了一个U字形山谷,
我出生在八十年代初的一个小村庄。那是个物资相对匮乏的年代,吃穿用度都得严格计划着来。但我印象里的童年,又是很富足的。直到现在还记忆犹新的是,只要一分钱一小块的薄荷糖,就能让你从舌尖甜到心底。  那个童年,四季分明。  初春泥土的腥味夹杂在清风中拂面而来,浸入肺腑。翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,一会儿落在东边的油菜花上闻闻,一会儿飞到西边的花蕊上嗅嗅,一会儿绕着我头上的大红花扑闪扑闪,怕是把这饰品当成真花了。蜜蜂
有朋自远方来,吴兄问我该作如何安排,我不假思索地回答:龙海天。  我第一次到龙海天的时候,是八十年代末的一个暑假。那时,过岛的海堤还没有筑起,我们坐渡船到东海岛,然后乘坐半个小时汽车才到龙海天海滩。  夜幕降临的时候,我们租了一个帐篷,便在高大的木麻黄树林里安营扎寨了。情侣们早就到木麻黄树底下卿卿我我了,几个喜欢打牌的就待在帐篷里打拖拉机。我没有情人约会,也不喜欢打牌,就想着到海边的沙滩上走一下。
钥匙是开锁的工具,据说在古埃及时就已经存在了。进入现代,钥匙的种类更多了,除了普通钥匙,还有智能钥匙、遥控钥匙、电子钥匙等。  小时候,我最羡慕有钥匙的孩子,因为没有钥匙的孩子半途回家是真可怜,只能在弄堂口等父母回来。特别是在冬天玩耍回来看见“铁将军”把门,盼望自己长大的心愿更是无比的强烈。在那个年龄,拥有钥匙是一种被父母认可的象征。  在小学一年级时,我终于拥有了一把属于自己的钥匙,上学时,肩膀
朋友是什么?  这么一问,我忽然愣住。因为是无比熟悉的人和事,谁会特意去琢磨呢?  的确,朋友对于我来说,仿佛都是习以为常的人,不用特意记住,也不必刻意寒暄,更无须执意客套。  但,奇怪了,朋友是什么?这个看似简单的问题,回答起来,却没那么容易。  朋友,究竟是什么呢?!  我想起小时候,有一次,邻居小东哥上我家来玩儿,说要和我做朋友,“什么叫朋友?”我问他,小东哥先是拉起我的手,然后抱了抱我说:
我是站在南京长江大桥上吗?  一切恍若梦中,使我有点不相信。  我的眼前,浩浩荡荡的长江平缓东流,波澜壮阔。宽阔的江面上,大大小小的驳船和货轮满载着不同的物品,来回穿梭,一片忙碌的景象,不时还能看到客轮溯江而上。有人说,一条长江水道相当于十几条铁路的运输量,这绝不是言过其实,要知道,连万吨巨轮都可以通过长江水道直接到达武汉。难怪长江水道被称为黄金水道,其对于拉动整个长江流域的经济发展起到至关重要的