Gastric peritoneal carcinomatosis-a retrospective review

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asxy7777
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AIM To characterize patients with gastric peritoneal carcinomatosis(PC) and their typical clinical and treatment course with palliative systemic chemotherapy as the current standard of care.METHODS We performed a retrospective electronic chart review of all patients with gastric adenocarcinoma with PC diagnosed at initial metastatic presentation between January 2010 and December 2014 in a single tertiary referral centre.RESULTS We studied a total of 271 patients with a median age of 63.8 years and median follow-up duration of 5.1 mo. The majority(n = 217, 80.1%) had the peritoneum as the only site of metastasis at initial presentation. Palliative systemic chemotherapy was eventually planned for 175(64.6%) of our patients at initial presentation, of which 171 were initiated on it. Choice of first-line regime was in accordance with the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines for Gastric Cancer Treatment. Thesepatients underwent a median of one line of chemotherapy, completing a median of six cycles in total. Chemotherapy disruption due to unplanned hospitalizations occurred in 114(66.7%), while cessation of chemotherapy occurred in 157(91.8%), with 42 cessations primarily attributable to PC-related complications. Patients who had initiation of systemic chemotherapy had a significantly better median overall survival than those who did not(10.9 mo vs 1.6 mo, P < 0.001). Of patients who had initiation of systemic chemotherapy, those who experienced any disruptions to chemotherapy due to unplanned hospitalizations had a significantly worse median overall survival compared to those who did not(8.7 mo vs 14.6 mo, P < 0.001).CONCLUSION Gastric PC carries a grim prognosis with a clinical course fraught with disease-related complications which may attenuate any survival benefit which palliative systemic chemotherapy may have to offer. As such, investigational use of regional therapies is warranted and required validation in patients with isolated PC to maximize their survival outcomes in the long run. AIM To characterize patients with gastric peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) and their typical clinical and treatment course with palliative systemic chemotherapy as the current standard of care. METHODS We performed a retrospective electronic chart review of all patients with gastric adenocarcinoma with PC diagnosed at initial metastatic presentation between January 2010 and December 2014 in a single tertiary referral center .RESULTS We studied a total of 271 patients with a median age of 63.8 years and median follow-up duration of 5.1 mo. The majority (n = 217, 80.1%) had the peritoneum as the only site of metastasis at initial presentation. Palliative administration of chemotherapy was as planned for 175 (64.6%) of our patients at initial presentation, of which 171 were initiated on it. Choice of first-line regime was in accordance with the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines for Gastric Cancer Treatment. Thesepatients underwent a median of one line of chemotherapy, completing a median of six cycles in total. Chemotherapy disruption due to unplanned hospitalizations occurred in 114 (66.7%), while cessation of 157 (91.8%), with 42 cessations assigned to PC-related complications. Patients who had initiation of systemic chemotherapy had a significantly better median overall survival than those who did not (10.9 mo vs 1.6 mo, P <0.001). Of patients who had initiation of systemic chemotherapy, those who experienced any disruptions to chemotherapy due to unplanned hospitalizations had a significant below median overall survival compared to those who did not (8.7 mo vs 14.6 mo, P <0.001) .CONCLUSION Gastric PC carries a grim prognosis with a clinical course fraught with disease-related complications which may attenuate any survival benefit which palliative systemic chemotherapy may have to as such, investigational use of regional therapies is warranted and required validation in patients with isolated PC to maximize theirsurvival outcomes in the long run.
小河马大大最喜欢穿旱冰鞋,就连睡觉都不想脱下来。在光滑的路面上滑起来像飞一样,别的河马都望尘莫及呢。他跟朋友们说:“以后你们都叫我飞马好了。”  小河马虽然有点爱吹牛,但旱冰滑得确实很不错。  这天,他认为可以闭着眼睛滑,那样飞的感觉才更好。  可刚一闭眼睛,就出了一件大事,他“哐”的一下撞到一辆红跑车上。  红跑车叫阿火,正在睡觉做梦呢,梦见自己站在悬崖边,被人一脚踹下去。  “啊!”  阿火惊