
来源 :摩托车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renmin9999
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一天本人骑着新买的南方125摩托车外出办事。当车速刚冲起来要往五挡上挂挡时。只听得车后面“咔嚓”一声,摩托车后轮顿时抱死,车子冲出去了十几米后方才站住。幸得本人骑车数年经验丰富,危急时控制车的能力还算强,才未被摔倒,硬将车推到路边检查。初想必是链条脱落挤住后轮飞轮引起的,因南方车的链盒是全包的,打开检测孔一看链条在飞轮上好好的,细看才发现后轮的刹车鼓盖已裂开。将刹车鼓分解,发现后轮抱死是由于刹车蹄主动销一方蹄片回使拉簧断了,绊住了刹车鼓上的加强筋,才引起蹄片抱死在刹车鼓上,导致了上起事故的发生。 One day I rode the new 125 motorcycle to go out to do things in the South. When the speed has just rushed to the fifth gear on the gear. Only to hear the car behind the “click” sound, motorcycle suddenly locked the rear wheel, the car rushed out after a dozen meters before stopping. I am fortunate enough to ride a few years of experience, critical ability to control the car was still strong, it has not been a fall, hard to push the car to the roadside inspection. The beginning of the chain must be shedding the first wheel flywheel caused by extrusion, because the South car chain box is all-inclusive, open the inspection hole to see the chain on the flywheel good, look carefully to find the rear wheel brake drum cover has been split. The brake drum decomposition and found that the rear wheel lock is due to the brake shoe initiative pin one side of the shoe to pull off the spring, stalled the brake drum on the stiffener, it caused the shoe lock on the brake drum, leading to the Occurrence of the accident.
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最近,张杨导演的西藏题材电影《冈仁波齐》上映。这部安静的公路片在《变形金刚5》的喧嚣中辟出了一条幽径——9天,票房破2700万,对于艺术电影,这个成绩可以称得上“大卖”了。  “我骨子里其实挺摇滚的。”一身藏族行头的张杨这样定义自己。与今天对藏族文化的迷恋一样,张杨当年对摇滚的热爱也是在为自己寻找精神上的支撑,他需要以这种支撑凝聚能量,再以音乐、戏剧或电影的形式表达自我。  看似平静至极,实则波澜
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