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局部编织技术在针织服装中应用广泛,能够与多种组织结合产生不同的花型效果.文章从局部编织技术与花型组织相结合以及与成形工艺相结合出发,介绍了局部编织技术在组织花型及成形工艺中的应用.并以Stoll CMS530HP电脑横机为依托,使用M1Plus花型设计软件,设计开发了新的花型效果,同时介绍了其在鞋面、口罩等新产品中的应用,为针织行业人员提供更多的设计思路,促进针织新领域、新产品的开发.
How should international oil and gas enterprises realize energy transformation through green financial instrumentsrnΦrsted located in Denmark is taken as an example to elaborate the methods with which international oil and gas enterprises realize energy t
Sillwarm超细旦腈纶是湿法纺丝技术代表产品之一,具有细、柔、轻、弹的仿绒特性.简述采用Sillwarm超细旦腈纶开发一种冬季轻量保暖舒适型运动面料的编织工艺、染整工艺流程,并与运动服装常用的棉、涤棉混纺材质性能相比较,测试分析产品的主要性能.结果 表明,本次开发面料的可织性、染色性较好,产品吸湿好、蒸发性强,并且具有较好的抗起毛起球性能,适用于秋冬季轻量保暖型产品的开发.
During the past decade,China\'s petroleum industry had experienced an extraordinary process,the development of domestic oil supply and demand was unbalanced.China\'s oil consumption continues to grow with a compound annual growth rate of 5.1%,making C
In 2020,China\'s LNG truck consumption reached 36.5 million tons,up 37.5%year-on-year.After a lapse of two years,China\'s LNG truck consumption returned to rapid growth;meanwhile,LNG truck trade is also developing rapidly.In this process,the pricing o
Statistics of China natural gas industry prosperity index show that:China natural gas industry prosperity index was 190.83 in the second quarter of 2021,indicating a prosperous state;the prosperity index of natural gas production enterprises was 230.01,in
At the end of July,2021,good news came from Chad Project Company and Niger Project Company of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Company Ltd.(CNODC);both companies had made major oil and gas discoveries of 100 million tons in their key
针织大圆机生产中的剖幅线设置是一项简单而必要的操作,文中基于单双面品种坯布剖幅线的常见结构以及剖幅线设置方法,提出剖幅线会引发纱线抽紧以及面料卷边问题.文中对这两个主要问题的原因进行分析,给出具体的工艺优化方案,并落实到织针和三角排列图上机操作中,展示了在编织阶段极具性价比的优化效果.结果 表明,简单的工艺改善对于整个生产流程的生产效率产生积极的作用,企业生产中应严把质量关,做到剖幅边防卷边和防抽紧.
At present,many countries have proposed achieving the goal of net zero carbon emissions by the middle of this century.International oil and gas enterprises,represented by European oil companies,have also proposed transforming their traditional oil and gas
电脑横机选针器精准实时的控制是实现稳定、可靠编织的关键,国产系统一般基于单核控制方式采用8段式选针器.文中针对传统方式提出一种基于ARM和FPGA双控核心的5段式选针器控制方案,ARM模块完成对花样文件的数据解析并发送给FPGA,FPGA接口控制采用VHDL编程实现,选针器数据缓存采用双缓冲结构,设计了能够实现实时控制的流水线执行结构.结果 表明,优化后的方案兼容性好,升级方便,可以实现5段式稳定控制,有效提高了系统的整体性能,具有较高的应用价值.