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仕与隐的抉择 人生的道路千万条,士脚下的大路有两条:一条是仕,一条是隐。这是两条完全不同的人生道路。道路不同,一生的命运也完全不同。走仕的道路能享受荣华富贵,耀祖光宗,施展抱负,但辛苦劳禄,受人管束,充满风险。走隐的道路逍遥自在,怡然自得,平安吉祥,但无法发挥才智,清静寂寞,郁郁不得志。二者都有明显的好处,都有明显的缺陷。是选择仕,还是选择隐呢?这是很费思索的。士的心中都有一架天平,一头是仕,一头是隐,士反复称量着。要做出选择。关键是士看重仕的好处呢,还是看重隐的好处。看重仕的好处就选择仕,看重隐的好处就选择隐。当然,这里说的只是士的抉择,至于士能不能仕,决定权完全在官府和朝廷。然而,就士的选择来说,也不是随心所欲的,而受着士 The choice of life and implicit way of life ten million, the foot of the road there are two: one is official, one is hidden. This is two completely different ways of life. Different roads, the fate of life is completely different. Take the road to go enjoy the glory of wealth, Yaozu cases, to show their aspirations, but hard work, under the control of people, full of risks. The path of walking is free and easy, comfortable, safe and auspicious, but can not be intelligent, quiet and lonely, frustrated. Both have significant benefits, both with obvious drawbacks. Is the choice of official, or choose to hide it? This is a lot of thought. There is a balance in the mind of a man, one is a man, one is hidden, and the man weighs repeatedly. Make a choice. The key is that people value the benefits of it, or value the benefits of hidden. The benefits of valuing Shi on the choice of official, valued the benefits of hidden on the choice of hidden. Of course, what we are talking about here is only a choice of disabilities. As for whether or not a government official can hold official positions, the power of determination lies entirely with the government and the court. However, as far as the choice of scholarship is concerned, they are not freewheeling but influenced by disabilities
思想政治工作是一项复杂的系统工程,必须以科学的精神不断探索新机制和新途径。针对当前国税部门思想政治工作面临的形势和任务,应做好以下几个方面的工作: Ideological and
天津大学国家工业结晶技术研究推广中心与天津天药药业股份有限公司合作承担的“地纳精制结晶生产中新工艺与设备的研究开发”项目日前通过验收 .专家组认为 ,该项目大大加强
CuInSe2 films were electrodeposited onto indium tin oxide(ITO) substrate in constant current mode using bell-like wave modulated square wave in aqueous solution
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