
来源 :广告人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JasonCrazy
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在广告业激烈竞争和全面实施代理的今天,各媒体时段版面的内容简介、报价、栏目招商等各类信息资料,如何快捷、准确地通知到全国的广告主和广告代理商,全面有效地介绍媒体的特点和优势,将是媒介在广告业激烈竞争中能否取胜和发展的关键。为迎接二十一世纪信息时代的到来,推动现代信息技术在中国广告业尽快应用,由北方国联信息技术有限公司率先在国际互联网上开发建设的中文信息站点“广告情报站”(www.a.com.cn),为中国广告业全面提供信息交流和信息服务,将媒体的各类广告信息资料通过国际互联网迅速有效广泛地传递到广告主和广告代理商。现该站点“广告媒体”栏目中已汇集了全国各主要电视台、报纸、广播电台、杂志、网络等近一千多家媒体的最新资料,为广告主和广告公司在工 In today’s fierce competition in the advertising industry and the full implementation of the agency, various information materials such as content briefs, quotes, column investment, etc. in various media timetables can be quickly and accurately notified to advertisers and advertising agents throughout the country and introduced comprehensively and effectively. The characteristics and advantages of the media will be the key for the media to win and develop in the fierce competition in the advertising industry. To meet the arrival of the information age in the 21st century and promote the application of modern information technology in China’s advertising industry as soon as possible, the Northern China League Information Technology Co., Ltd. took the lead in the development and construction of the Chinese information site “Ad Intelligence Station” (www. A.com.cn) provides comprehensive information exchange and information services for the advertising industry in China, and quickly and effectively disseminates various types of advertising information materials of the media to advertisers and advertising agencies through the Internet. The site’s “Advertising Media” section now contains the latest information on nearly 1,000 media from major TV stations, newspapers, radio stations, magazines, and the Internet in the country, serving advertisers and advertising companies.
为发展城市公用工程车辆市场创造出良好的外部环境,增进国际间贸易往来与技术交流,开拓对外引资经济合作的新领域,更好地为中国公用工程车辆行业 Create a good external e
<正> 我国社会主义生动丰富的实践,为科学社会主义学说的新发展开辟了新的道路。实践说明,社会主义决非仅仅是发展生产力。光搞物质文明的建设,而无精神文明的建设,不注重人的理想、道德和情操的培育,不培养有理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律的社会主义新人,社会主义现代化建设是不能成功的。本文试从马克思关于人的全面发展的观点来探讨社会主义精神文明、共产主义道德和培养社会主义新人的关系,以期引起人们在加强社会主义精神文明建设中,对培养社会主义新人的重视。
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