Pathological features and diagnosis of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xdt1973
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Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm(IPMN) of the pancreas is a noninvasive epithelial neoplasm of mucinproducing cells arising in the main duct(MD) and/or branch ducts(BD) of the pancreas.Involved ducts are dilated and filled with neoplastic papillae and mucus in variable intensity.IPMN lacks ovarian-type stroma,unlike mucinous cystic neoplasm,and is defined as a grossly visible entity(≥ 5 mm),unlike pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasm.With the use of high-resolution imaging techniques,very small IPMNs are increasingly being identified.Most IPMNs are solitary and located in the pancreatic head,although 20%-40% are multifocal.Macroscopic classification in MD type,BD type and mixed or combined type reflects biological differences with important prognostic and preoperative clinical management implications.Based on cytoarchitectural atypia,IPMN is classified into low-grade,intermediategrade and high-grade dysplasia.Based on histological features and mucin(MUC) immunophenotype,IPMNs are classified into gastric,intestinal,pancreatobiliary and oncocytic types.These different phenotypes can be observed together,with the IPMN classified according to the predominant type.Two pathways have been suggested:gastric phenotype corresponds to less aggressive uncommitted cells(MUC1-,MUC2-,MUC5 AC +,MUC6 +) with the capacity to evolve to intestinal phenotype(intestinal pathway)(MUC1-,MUC2 +,MUC5 AC +,MUC6- or weak +) or pancreatobiliary /oncocytic phenotypes(pyloropancreatic pathway)(MUC1 +,MUC 2-,MUC5 AC +,MUC 6 +) becoming more aggressive.Prognosis of IPMN is excellent but critically worsens when invasive carcinoma arises(about 40% of IPMNs),except in some cases of minimal invasion.The clinical challenge is to establish which IPMNs should be removed because of their higher risk of developing invasive cancer.Once resected,they must be extensively sampled or,much better,submitted in its entirety for microscopic study to completely rule out associated invasive carcinoma. Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the pancreas is a noninvasive epithelial neoplasm of mucinproducing cells arising in the main duct (MD) and / or branch ducts (BD) of the pancreas. Involved ducts are dilated and filled with neoplastic papillae and mucus in variable intensity. IPMN lacks ovarian-type stroma, unlike mucinous cystic neoplasm, and is defined as a grossly visible entity (≥ 5 mm), rather pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasm .With the use of high-resolution imaging techniques, very small IPMNs are increasingly being identified.Most IPMNs are solitary and located in the pancreatic head, although 20% -40% are multifocal. Macroscopic classification in MD type, BD type and mixed or combined type of biological differences with important prognostic and preoperative clinical management implications. Based on cytoarchitectural atypia, IPMN is classified into low-grade, intermediategrade and high-grade dysplasia. Based on histological features and mucin (MUC) immunophenotype, IPMNs a re classified into gastric, intestinal, pancreatobiliary and oncocytic types. These different phenotypes can be observed together, with the IPMN classified according to the predominant type. Two pathways have been suggested: gastric phenotype responding to less aggressive uncommitted cells (MUCl-, MUC2- , MUC5 AC +, MUC6 +) with the capacity to evolve to intestinal phenotype (intestinal pathway) (MUC1-, MUC2 +, MUC5 AC +, MUC6- or weak +) or pancreatobiliary / oncocytic phenotypes (MUC1 + MUC 2-, MUC 5 AC +, MUC 6 +) becoming more aggressive. Prognosis of IPMN is excellent but critically worsens when invasive carcinoma arises (about 40% of IPMNs), except in some cases of minimal invasion. The clinical challenge is to establish which IPMNs should be removed because of their higher risk of developing invasive cancer. Once resected, they must be extensively sampled or, much better, submitted in its entirety for microscopic study to completely rule out associated invasive carcinoma.
进入6月,生猪价格和冷鲜肉价格达到历史高位,价格一路飙升的猪肉再次引发人们的关注。18日,记者深入高青县的养猪场和养殖户采访了解到,虽然价格走高,但是散户的养猪热情并没有被调动起来,高风险、高成本使农户大多持观望态度。大规模养殖场的抗风险优势明显,传统散养或将让位于规模化养殖。    生猪紧缺    “当前主要问题是收不到毛猪。”济宁市梁山县天威食品有限公司总经理路来本18日告诉导报记者,该公司春
自去年以来,玉米价格一直处于高位运行。尤其是进入2011年,玉米价格一路看涨。据中华粮网统计,进入2011年以来,玉米价格已上涨了10%以上。高企的玉米价格,大幅压缩了玉米加工行业的利润水平。  业内人士预计,玉米涨价导致成本上升,再加上国家宏观政策的影响,玉米加工行业或将迎来一次行业大洗牌。    玉米价格半年上涨15%  后市仍将看涨    日前,笔者在山东省粮食主产区菏泽市、济宁市采访了解到
蒙古国“粮食安全2011”会议6月24日在首都乌兰巴托国家宫开幕,来自首都和全国21个省的代表、外国驻蒙使节以及联合国粮农组织等国际组织驻蒙代表150余人与会。代表们共同讨论了蒙古国粮食安全等问题,并提出应对粮食安全和食品安全等方面的建议。  蒙总理巴特包勒德在开幕式致辞时表示,在全球化的今天保障粮食安全、稳定粮食供应并非一国能力所及,而是需要各国共同努力解决。蒙政府正在为发展农牧业和食品工业、增
进入6月份以来,海南香蕉收购价格快速下滑,从2月份地头最高价7.6元/公斤,跌至目前0.4—0.6元/公斤,远低于生产成本价。  香蕉价格下滑的主要原因: 1、受年初低温寡照气候影响,海南“春蕉”、“冬蕉”迭加上市,市场压力明显增大。2、广东、广西及进口香蕉同期上市,加之内地各类水果大量上市,对香蕉销售带来冲击。3、前段时间“香蕉使用乙烯利催熟技术”的不科学报道给消费者带来的心理影响还未消除。  
今年4月5日,总部位于美国的跨国粮商邦吉(Bunge)首席执行官阿尔伯特·威瑟尔(Alberto Weisser)在2010年年报中表示,邦吉在中国正在新建第四座油籽压榨厂,新厂地址位于长江下游的江苏泰兴市。  记者近日前往泰兴市,泰兴发改委负责投资项目审核的一位官员明确告诉记者,没有收到来自邦吉公司新建油脂压榨项目的申请。  威瑟尔是在撒谎吗?记者从诸多方面收集到的信息显示,威瑟尔并没有撒谎,邦
伴随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化的深入发展,农业领域的国际竞争近年来已上升到以产业链为载体所形成的国家经济和区域经济层面。2010年12月的全球食品价格指数达到1990年以来的最高位,超过2008年粮食危机时的水平。这种不见硝烟的广义“粮食战争”,进一步推动世界农业进入产业链竞争时代。  目前,国际上几乎所有农业类跨国公司都已实现或准备实现产业链经营。美国的嘉吉、阿丹米、帮吉和法国的路易达孚“四大
继2010年首度大规模进口玉米之后,今年我国或将继续迎来玉米进口“大年”。  6月22日,美国谷物理事会称,中国2011年料将进口多至500万吨玉米,目前已采购约125万吨玉米。不过,中国国家粮油信息中心则认为,中国在2011/2012年度将进口约160万吨玉米。  分析人士认为,受国内供需影响,今年国内玉米进口量将在去年155.8万吨的基础上小幅升高,玉米进口主体将是玉米深加工企业。而当前国际玉