Hepatoprotective activity of brown algaPadina boergesenii against CCl4 induced oxidative damage in W

来源 :亚太热带医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fredric_cn
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Objective:To investigate the protective effects of brown algaPadina boergesenii(P. boergeseii) against carbon tetrachloride(CCl4) induced oxidative damage and liver fibrosis in rats.Methods:To assess the hepatic damage liver weight, the activities of TBARS level, glutathione,SOD, CAT andGPx in circulation and liver.Results:The group of rats induced withCCl4 alone (2 mL/kg body weight), showed noticeable increase in the liver weight and TBARS level. Followed by, the level of antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase, Superoxide dismutase and catalase was also significantly(P<0.01) diminished. Where as, the rats pretreated withP. boergesenii (150 mg/kg body weight) modulated theCCl4induced liver fibrosis. The level of antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation products was found to be significantly(P<0.01) attenuated to near normal level, when compared with rats induced withCCl4alone. In order to assess the role of carotenoids in the relevant activity, total carotenoid content of the extract was analysed and found to be0.59 mg/g fresh weight (FW). Further, the histopathogical studies provide a supportive evidence for this study to show the protective nature ofP. boergesenii.Conclusions: The protective role of brown algaP. boergesenii extract has confirmed its potential activity through its antioxidant sparing actions against CCl4 induced free radical damage. However, the possible mechanism of hepatoprotection is rather speculative at this stage and investigations are underway to isolate and characterize the bioactive compounds fromP. boergesenii.
目的 讨论PDCA护理管理模式在种植牙围手术期护理的效果.方法 选取本院收治的106例种植牙手术患者作为本次研究的观察对象,并随机将其分为对照组(常规护理)与研究组(PDCA护理
1例16岁女性中学生为参加体能测试人工调整月经周期,遵医嘱口服黄体酮软胶囊100 mg、2次/d,连续用药13 d,同期未服用其他药物。停药后第4天,患者双眼视物出现双影,神经科和眼科检查均未见异常,考虑可能为精神紧张所致,未予治疗。患者自行应用七叶洋地黄双苷滴眼液(1滴/次,3次/d)和好视力眼贴(双侧太阳穴部位,1次/d,每次保留8 min),13 d后复视症状明显好转,7个月后症状完全消失。
Standard parenteral nutrition solutions are mixtures comprising interacting components that may de-grade themselves over time. The objective of this study was t
1例15岁慢性粒细胞白血病男性患儿因急变为急性淋巴细胞白血病合并中枢神经系统白血病给予达沙替尼50 mg口服,2次/d。用药1年后患儿出现部分头发、眉毛颜色变白;15个月后因腹泻停用达沙替尼,改为口服甲磺酸伊马替尼400 mg/d。停用达沙替尼2个月后患儿毛发明显转黑。1周后因疾病进展再次给予达沙替尼(50 mg,2次/d),6个月后部分头发、眉毛变白再次出现。