Cell transmission model based traffic signal timing in oversaturated conditions

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f6012000
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In order to investigate enhancements to cell transmission model (CTM) as a tool for traffic signal timing in oversaturated conditions, randomly distributed saturation flow rates and arrival rates were used instead of constant values to simulate traffic flow movement, estimate the average delay of the network and search for an optimal traffic signal timing plan. A case study was given to demonstrate that the proposed methodology can capture unique phenomena in oversaturated conditions such as forward wave, spillback and lane entrance blockage. The results show that CTM underestimates travel time by 25% when compared to Simtraffic, while the enhanced CTM underestimates by only 3%. A second case study shows that a dynamic signal timing plan is superior to a fixed signal timing plan in the term of average delay. In order to investigate enhance to to cell transmission model (CTM) as a tool for traffic signal timing in oversaturated conditions, randomly distributed saturation flow rates and arrival rates were used instead of constant values ​​to simulate traffic flow movement, estimate the average delay of the network and search for an optimal traffic signal timing plan. A case study was given to demonstrate that the proposed Method can capture unique phenomena in oversaturated conditions such as forward wave, spillback and lane entrance blockage. The results show that CTM underestimates travel time by 25% while compared to Simtraffic, while the enhanced CTM underestimates by only 3%. A second case study shows that a dynamic signal timing plan is superior to a fixed signal timing plan in the term of average delay.
作为刘晓庆曾经的经纪人,他也利用过刘晓庆的种种传闻,顺势借势达到自己的商业目的。他与刘晓庆的关系既单纯又复杂,既有情又无情他的经纪人生涯本身也充满着传奇与神秘…… As
小时候,做梦都想成为画家的张立奎,后来真的圆了他儿时的梦。可又有谁知道,梦想成真,是要付出多大代价的,他几乎是全身心地扑在了书画上,确实是—— Childhood, dreams want to be