调整结构谋发展 二次创业谱新篇——省煤田地质局发展纪实

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“西电东送”是西部大开发在贵州的标志性工程,它不仅拉动了全省能源开发,而且还带动了相关产业的发展。在这难得的历史发展机遇中,贵州省煤田地质局为了让煤田地勘单位这支在“三线建设”中,为贵州煤炭工业作出过贡献的专业队伍重新焕发出青春,于2001年7月提出了“稳定发展东西两头,调整搞活中部队伍”的结构调整战略,力争在不断深化的改革中完成二次创业。 “稳定发展东西两头”就是将经济基础比较好,位于贵州东南部(都匀)的地测大队和位于贵州西部(盘县)的159队,加大资金的投入,重点发展印刷业和煤化工业,以带动地质队其它经济发展。“调整搞活中部队伍”就是围绕中心城市实施资源战略,专业整合战略,从而使地质队溶入城市发展的经济平台,促进地质经济的发展。在结构调整中,省煤田地质局首先实施队伍向中心城市靠拢的布局的战略。省局机关经过一年零八个月筹备,顺利完成了从安顺到省城贵阳的搬迁任务,并于2002年8月1日在贵阳小河区新址正式办公,使目前省政府直属事 “West to East” is a landmark project for the development of the western region in Guizhou. It not only stimulates the province’s energy development, but also drives the development of related industries. In this rare historical development opportunity, Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Coal Geology in order to let the coal field geological exploration unit in the “three-lane construction”, Guizhou coal industry contributed to the professional team to rejuvenate, in 2001 7 In January, he proposed a structural adjustment strategy of “steadily developing both East and West and adjusting and invigorating the Central Military Forces” and will strive to complete the second pioneering undertaking in the deepening reform. “Stable development east and west” is the geomancy brigade located in the southeastern part of Guizhou (Duyun) and 159 teams located in western Guizhou (Panxian) with better economic fundamentals, increasing capital investment and focusing on the development of printing industry and Coal chemical industry, in order to drive the geological team other economic development. “Adjusting and Enlightening the Central Troops” is to implement a strategy of resource strategy and professional integration around the central city so as to enable the geological team to dissolve into the economic platform of urban development and promote the development of geological economy. In structural adjustment, the Provincial Bureau of Coal Geology first implemented the strategy of moving the team closer to the central city. After one year and eight months of preparation, the provincial bureau smoothly completed the relocation task from Anshun to the provincial capital Guiyang and formally opened a new office in Xiaohe District, Guiyang on August 1, 2002 to make the provincial government directly subordinate
饶广平:足球,永远是人们津津乐道的话题。而中国的足球,更是牵动着亿万国人的每一根神经。 1994年,具有浓厚的中国特色的职业足球联赛终于登上了历史的舞台。不知是历史的巧
本文所描述的材料,系高庆华、李东岭等同志于1960年,在宁夏班定托洛盖西南约30 公里的杭乌拉三角点附近(杭乌拉三角点南东40°约半公里)采集的。经笔者鉴定,共有四个属七个种
各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 近年来,我省广大科技人员立足贵州,勤奋工作,刻苦钻研,锐意进取,勇
正月里,我从山西阳泉出发,乘车赶往陕西省榆林市佳县。这次旅行的目的,是要看一看那里独特的民间祈福祭祀活动——放赦。所以这次出行,也可以说是感受陕北古老民间习俗的一次文化旅游。  佳县峪口乡谭家坪村,位于佳县白云山南部,东临黄河。当地民间传说,古时候黄河年年泛滥,人间瘟疫肆虐,妖孽横行,黄河沿岸的百姓深受其害,苦不堪言。后来真武祖师(掌管北方的主神)和八仙得知消息后,下凡杀死了妖魔,消除了瘟灾。谭家