江北嘴发展再提速 投资CBD时不我待

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重庆目前的地标建筑在哪里?或许每个人心中都有自己的答案,可总有一个答案能得到共识,那就是江北嘴,因为它代表着重庆的现在和未来。近日,关于加快中央商务区建设的意见指示,意味着江北嘴发展将再次全面提速。随着区域提档升级,雄踞江北嘴CBD一线的超甲级连江写字楼——力帆中心,将发生难以限量的资本增长与财富聚集,成为江北嘴时代炙手可热的投资品。加快建设中央商务区进程江北嘴发展再提速“两江新区的成立,江北嘴中央商务区的提速,让重庆至少在10年内都是西部内陆的金融中心,并将引领中国区域发展重点向内陆转移。”重庆大学发展研究中心副主任蒲勇健说道。目前,重庆决定加快建设中央商务区的进程,努力把重庆中央商务区建设成为要素资源高度聚集、经济高度发达、内陆影响力强、国际化水平高的现代化中央商务区,建成重庆经济发展的 Where are the current landmark buildings in Chongqing? Perhaps everyone has their own answer to the heart, there is always one answer to be reached, which is Jiangbei mouth, because it represents the present and future of Chongqing. Recently, the Opinion on Accelerating the Construction of a Central Business District indicates that the development of Jiangbeizui will once again be fully accelerated. With the region to upgrade the file, top Jiangbei mouth CBD line super-class Lianjiang office - Lifan Center, there will be an unlimited amount of capital growth and wealth accumulation, Jiangbei mouth became a hot investment products. Speed ​​up the process of building a central business district and then speed up the development of Jiangbeizui “The establishment of Liangjiang New Zone and the speeding up of Jiangbeizui Central Business District will make Chongqing a financial center in the western part of China for at least 10 years and will lead the development of China’s regional development inward Land transfer. ”Pu Yongjian, deputy director of Chongqing University Development Research Center said. At present, Chongqing decided to speed up the process of building a central business district and strive to build Chongqing’s central business district into a modern central business district with a high degree of elemental resources, highly developed economy, strong inland influence and high internationalization level, and built the economic development of Chongqing
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