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植物热值是森林生态系统中物质循环和能量转化评价的重要指标。利用假设检验和回归分析方法,对东北落叶松不同器官的热值和灰分含量进行了研究。结果表明:林木不同器官的热值和灰分含量在统计上大都存在显著差异,去灰分热值从大到小排序为叶(21.57 kJ/g)﹥枝(20.98 kJ/g)﹥皮(20.73 kJ/g)﹥根(19.88 kJ/g)﹥干(19.51 kJ/g),灰分含量排序为叶(5.79%)﹥皮(2.48%)﹥枝(1.88%)﹥根(0.95%)﹥干(0.47%);树干热值和灰分含量随树干从下往上呈增加趋势,且上、中、下部均存在显著差异;树根热值和灰分含量从根茎、粗根到细根也呈增加趋势,且两两之间差异显著;地上部分的平均干质量热值、去灰分热值和灰分含量均大于地下部分(树根),且差异显著;不同器官的热值和灰分含量与林木直径、树高和起源等因子显著相关,但其影响程度不尽相同。 Plant calorific value is an important indicator of material circulation and energy conversion in forest ecosystems. The hypothesis test and regression analysis were used to study the calorific value and ash content of different organs of Larix principis-rupprechtii. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in caloric value and ash content between different organs of trees. The desaturation values ​​of ash to ash were 21.57 kJ / g> 20.98 kJ / g> 20.73 kJ / g> root (19.88 kJ / g)> dry (19.51 kJ / g), and ash content was ranked as leaves (5.79%)> 0.47%). The caloric value and ash content of trunk increased from bottom to top, and there were significant differences among the upper, middle and lower parts. The root caloric value and ash content increased from rhizome, coarse root to fine root , And there was significant difference between them. The average calorific value of caloric value, ash-removing calorific value and ash content in above-ground parts were all larger than those in underground parts (root), and the difference was significant. The calorific value and ash content of different organs were significantly different from those of tree diameter, The factors such as tree height and origin were significantly related, but the degree of influence was different.
目的 探讨多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)患儿的临床特点及辅助检查的诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析本院10例多发性硬化患儿的临床特点和辅助检查结果 资料.结果 儿童MS以急
目的 观察125Ⅰ粒子植入治疗肺癌的临床疗法.方法 25例均不适宜行外科手术治疗的恶性肿瘤患者,行CT导引下瘤体内125Ⅰ粒子植入,其中原发肺癌16例,转移性肺癌9例.根据治疗计划
目的 初步评价新型组合式输尿管软镜在治疗上尿路结石中的临床应用价值.方法 应用德国铂立组合式输尿管软镜联合钬激光治疗肾和输尿管结石4例(共7处,结石位于肾盏5处,输尿管2
1 临床资料患者女性,67岁,因腹痛肛门停止排气排便3 d于2003-01-26入院.查体:体温36.5 ℃、脉膊80次/分、呼吸20次/分、血压100/60 mmHg.心肺听诊无异常.腹平,未见胃肠型、腹
蛋白质的合成是根据 mRNA的遗传信息,将氨基酸聚合成多肽的含有多个步骤的复杂过程,是教学中的难点.在以往的教学中,我们利用挂图来演示这个动态过程.但普通挂图还不够直观,
Objective To study the effects of different concentrations of Quercetin on nitric oxide (NO) production and membrane fluidity of the injured human umbilical vei