Spatial and temporal variability of agricultural pollutants in an agricultural headwater stream with

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dlxfmc
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The spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and suspended solids were investigated for two years in a 1.8 km agricultural headwater stream, located by Chaohu Lake, southeast China. The stream form was greatly modified by human activities into channelized, pond and estuary shapes. The stream could be divided into 4channelized reaches(1.3 km), a pond reach(0.15 km) and 3 estuary reaches(0.36 km). It was found that nutrients and TSS concentrations in the stream showed temporal variability, and higher concentrations occurred in months with high precipitation and intensive agricultural activities. And, retention of total nitrogen (TN), nitrate (NO-3-N),ammonium( NH+4 -N ) and total suspended solids (TSS) predominantly occurred in the pond reach and estuary reaches with larger width and Iow current velocity. Pollutants retained in these reaches accounted for more than 50%of those retained in whole stream. The retention mostly happened in the rain-runoff events and it was 7 to 27 times than that in base flow. The results showed that the channelized reach was the most important source for pollutants release under either runoff or base flow, and its release accounted for more than 90% of whole stream release.There was a high spatial variability of nutrients retention in different channelized reaches. The channelized reach directly discharging into the pond did always retain nutrients and TSS under base flow and runoff conditions, whereas the other channelized reaches performed differently in different hydrological conditions. The high spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and TSS in the stream indicated that anthropogenic disturbance of the agricultural headwater stream, such as channelization and excavation, would be expected to decrease the capacity of nutrients retention in the stream.
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“独自走下长坂坡,月光太温柔;曹操不啰唆,一心要那荆州;用阴谋、阳谋、明说、暗斗的谋……”   几乎每天晚上我都是听着这首歌,抱着《三国演义》入睡的。   白天,我一边看三国,一边在想:曹操这个人为何被人称为“治世之能臣,乱世之奸臣也”?真是“日有所思,夜有所梦”,在梦中,我穿越到了一个硝烟四起的朝代——三国。   见识到了那个人人都说阴险,却又令我敬佩的一代枭雄——曹操。   以往我最爱