A novel algorithm for satellite data transmission

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:prcjzzz
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For remote sensing satellite data transmission,a novel algorithm is proposed in this paper.It integrates different type feature descriptors into multistage recognizers.In the first level,the dynamic clustering algorithm is used.In the second level,the improved support vector machines algorithm demonstrates its validity.In the third level,the shape matrices similarity comparison algorithm shows its excellent performance.The single child recognizers are connected in series,but they are independent of each other.Objects which are not recognized correctly by the lower level recognizers are then put into the higher level recognizers.Experimental results show that the multistage recognition algorithm improves the accuracy greatly with higher level feature descriptors and higher level recognizers.The algorithm may offer a new methodology for high speed satellite data transmission. For remote sensing satellite data transmission, a novel algorithm is proposed in this paper. It integrates different type feature descriptors into multistage recognizers. In the first level, the dynamic clustering algorithm is used in. Second level, the improved support vector machines algorithm demonstrates its validity. In the third level, the shape matrices similarity comparison algorithm shows its excellent performance. The single child recognizers are connected in series, but they are independent of each other. Objects which are not recognized correctly by the lower level recognizers are then put into the higher level recognizers. Experimental results show that the multistage recognition algorithm improves the accuracy greatly with higher level feature descriptors and higher level recognizers. The algorithm may offer a new methodology for high speed satellite data transmissions.
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