Effects of truncated Gaussian beam on the performance of fiber optical synthetic aperture system

来源 :OptoelectronicsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyboat521
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In the fiber optical synthetic aperture (FOSA) system, the diffraction of the Gaussian beam limited by the aperture in exit pupil plane of fiber collimator is studied theoretically, and the axial and transverse irradiance distributions are obtained. The point spread function (PSF) and modulation transfer function (MTF) of the truncated Gaussian beam array are computed numerically with different truncation factors. The results show that the diffraction of the truncated Gaussian beam array agrees with the uniform-beam Rayleigh diffraction when the truncation factor is less than 0.5, but little power is transmitted. The PSF and MTF are degraded, but more power can be contained when the truncation factor is larger. The selection of the truncation factor is a trade-off between the loss of transmission and the qualities of PSF and MTF in practical application.
根据红外上转换材料测试实验系统的使用要求,选择Ta2O5和SiO2作为高低折射率膜料,通过椭偏仪测试膜料色散代入膜系软件进行设计优化,采用电子枪蒸镀的物理沉积技术,同时利用霍尔离子源辅助沉积提高膜料折射率,并通过调整工艺参数和改进光学监控方法解决了误差在监控波长处的累积问题,成功在石英基底上制备了干涉截止滤光片。镀膜后的石英基片在808、980、1064 nm 波长处透射率小于0.01%,可见光波段的平均透射率大于90%。结果表明该干涉截止滤光片的镀制满足上转换实验系统的使用要求。
A model of sub-wavelength metallic grating without host media is proposed. Under the excitation of TE polarized light, the extraordinary transmission is also found, and their transmission energy distributions corresponding to different structural paramete
Fresnel incoherent correlation holography (FINCH) is a self-interference based super-resolution three-dimensional imaging technique. FINCH in inline configuration requires an active phase modulator to record at least three phase-shifted camera shots to re
将一定长度、 均匀周期的光纤光栅沿轴向刚性粘贴于厚度呈阶跃分布的等腰三角状悬臂梁界线附近的表面上, 通过观测该光栅反射谱中两个峰值的间距来监测梁自由端在垂直于表面方向上的位移。 实验表明该无源温漂位移线性传感装置的传感灵敏度达9.24×10-2 nm/mm, 与理论值9.4×10-2 nm/mm非常接近。