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到年尾,惯例是要进行盘点,看看今年谁做得不错,谁又出来作秀。演唱会其实今年的流行乐坛还是蛮精彩的,尤其香港地区,年初另类独立音乐领军人物黄耀明和新一代歌神陈奕迅各开了以配合管弦乐团或交响乐团,充满古典音乐美感的演唱会。黄耀明的电幻,以电子音乐与管弦乐的结合点题,一派优雅浪漫,万人迷依旧高贵华丽;陈奕迅则玩起了哥特概念,穿的是黑衣,舞台布置是诡异,连许多概念奇持的异趣歌曲也得以重见天日。两场演唱会各有特点(从个人审美情趣来说,电幻更有“听点”),但都以广东话流行歌Canton Pop为主,喜欢粤语歌的朋友若错过这两场就不能不说遗憾了。 By the end of the year, the practice is to conduct an inventory to see who did a good job this year, who came out to show. In fact, this year’s popular music scene is quite exciting. In Hong Kong in particular, Huang Yao Ming, a leader of alternative indie music at the beginning of the year, and Eason Chan, a new generation of songwriter, each opened a concert full of classical music beauty to match the orchestra orchestra. Wong Yiu-ming’s electric fantasy to electronic music and orchestral combination of questions, one elegant and romantic, glamorous is still noble and gorgeous; Eason Chan is playing the Gothic concept, wearing a black, the stage layout is weird, and even many odd ideas The different interest songs have also been able to see the sun again. Two concerts have their own characteristics (from a personal aesthetic taste, the electric more “listen”), but are pop Cantonese pop Pop-based, like Cantonese song friends if you miss these two can not but Say sorry.
目的 :研究头痛安片的活血化瘀和镇痛作用。方法 :采用扭体实验和急性血瘀模型大鼠血液流变学实验。结果 :头痛安片降低了全血粘度、血浆粘度 ,减少了扭体反应次数。结论 :头
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中药汤剂具有随症加减、吸收快、奏效迅速的特点[1] ,是最能体现中医辨证论治、复方用药的剂型 ,深受医患双方的欢迎。但传统配方模式 ,由于缺乏行之有效的量化检测 ,很难保
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新型转录抑制因子ZHX2(zinc-fingers and homeoboxes 2,ZHX2)属于锌指和同源框(zinc-fingers and homeoboxes,ZHX)家族,广泛存在于各种组织细胞核内,发挥转录抑制作用。ZHX2