On the strategies of senior high school English learning

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  Abstract:With the development of economic globalization,English learning has occupied a more and more important position in our national education,but because English belongs to a foreign language,students will inevitably encounter some learning problems and resistance.at the same time,because of the traditional spoon-feeding teaching method,it is difficult to stimulate the high school students’subjective initiative of English learning,leading to the phenomenon of English learning,which is not conducive to the high school students’further studies and future development.The application of scientific English learning strategies in senior high school English classroom can effectively improve the efficiency of English teaching and the enthusiasm of students learning.this paper provides a strong reference for senior high school English learning through the strategies of high school English learning.
  Key words:high school English;Learning strategies;discuss
  High school English learning often takes the entrance examination as the main goal,neglects the main position of students’English learning,weakens the subjective initiative of students’English learning,and the scientific teaching strategy is an effective way to improve the English teaching atmosphere and improve students’learning enthusiasm.it is an important English teaching method and strategy under the new curriculum reform.
  I construction of students - centered English teaching mode
  Because English is a foreign language,there is a great difference between Chinese grammar,pronunciation and spelling.facing a large number of English vocabulary,English pronunciation around the mouth and complex English sentence patterns,students will inevitably encounter some resistance.if teachers don’t guide it,it will lead to students’loss of confidence and enthusiasm in English learning.However,the traditional English teaching tends to pay excessive attention to the utilitarian of learning,and the English learning as an important part of higher education,in order to improve students’academic performance often only focus on to instill teaching method,students can not be used as the subject of humanized English teaching method.In order to improve students’English learning efficiency,first,students should learn English attitude,progress and habit,and arrange English learning contents and forms according to students’learning progress and interests,twist the spoon - fed teaching method and utilitarian teaching mode,and lay a solid foundation for students’English learning,using interest teaching strategies to effectively stimulate students’subjective initiative,so that students can take more positive action when they encounter English problems At the same time,teachers can also guide students into interest learning groups,through the preparation of scripts,allocation of roles and performance of English learning,through the establishment of competitive cooperation in the group,significantly improve students’learning motivation.   2 innovative English teaching mode based on the characteristics of students’interest
  English learning has certain Boring,but because English is another language,it is an important channel to touch foreign culture,music and art,and because of the growing status of senior high school students’cognition and world outlook,through the use of music and art as the carrier of English learning plays a vital role in improving students’English learning ability,it can also effectively broaden the students’artistic horizon and aesthetic taste.For example,teachers can lead students to learn English and American songs in the classroom,and pass English lyrics to each student,to ensure students understand the popular use of English words,enhance students’understanding of words and phrases,and improve students’English pronunciation,and use long sentence to improve students’English expression,effectively improve students’English learning initiative,when students learn the basic singing method of songs,teachers can recommend students to sing alone,improve students’performance ability and English pronunciation ability,can also use the way of class chorus to create a relaxed and cheerful teaching atmosphere.
  3 cultivate students’autonomous learning ability by means of multimedia
  The multimedia teaching method plays an important role in improving the quality and efficiency of English teaching,and its interactive nature can improve students’subjective initiative in English learning from the perspective of audio-visual experience.In order to improve the efficiency of English learning,teachers collect pictures and materials about English teaching in advance,in order to strengthen students’memory of words,to strengthen students’memory of words,to strengthen students’understanding of words,to strengthen students’understanding of words,pronunciation is essential to English learning,teachers can introduce English version and American version of pronunciation,through two - way comparison,students can learn English vocabulary,and can use multimedia to play English movies,students can provide rich English environment atmosphere,also let students The interactive ability of multimedia provides a great convenience for English learning,but in this process,we should attach great importance to the initiative of students’English learning,and improve students’enthusiasm for English learning by the way of multi-level interactive learning between students and multimedia.
摘 要:美术教育对于幼儿的成长具有重要意义,幼儿美术教育生活化是指在幼儿美术教育中,以幼儿的现实生活为背景,以幼儿的生活经验为基础,以幼儿熟悉的人、事物为内容,注重生活与美术的紧密结合,尊重幼儿的个性发展,注重幼儿的自由创造与想象,使幼儿美术教育体现生活化特征,实现生活化价值,让美术真正融入幼儿的生活。美术教育的生活化,主要是通过内容的生活化、情境的生活化、环境的生活化、材料的生活化等活动策略,引
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The spread of Christianity influenced the development of human society,whether in politics,economy and culture or other aspects, it did have a positive effect.T