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患者男,53岁。1991年2月28日因右面瘫1个月入院,不伴耳鸣耳聋。检查:右侧额纹消失,右鼻唇沟变浅,口角偏向左侧,按面瘫简易评分法20分计,得2分。右耳鼓膜颜色正常,无鼓膜溢脓穿孔,光锥反射存在;电测所提示双耳听力正常;前庭功能检查提示前庭功能正常;乳突斯麦氏位及内听道位未发现异常。诊断:右侧完全性Bells面瘫。保守治疗22天面瘫无恢复,即行面神经管减压术。住院48天,面瘫无好转出院。出院后8个月出现声嘶,吞咽困难,右耳听力完全丧失于1991年12月26日再入院。入院查体:右侧Ⅴ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ颅神经麻痹,右耳鼓膜颜色正常,无溢脓穿孔;电测听提示右耳气骨导消失。考虑为颅内肿瘤所致。头颅正侧位、颅底位,内所道位断层均未见 Male patient, 53 years old. February 28, 1991 due to the right paralysis 1 month admission, without tinnitus and deafness. Check: Right forehead pattern disappears, the right nasolabial fold shallow, mouth angle to the left, according to simple facial paralysis score 20 points, 2 points. Right eardrum color normal, no tympanic membrane overflow pus perforation, light cone reflection exists; electrical measurements suggest normal hearing both ears; vestibular function tests suggest that the vestibular function is normal; mastocystis and internal auditory canal was found no abnormalities. Diagnosis: Right Bells Complete Facial Paralysis. Conservative treatment of facial paralysis 22 days without recovery, that line facial nerve decompression. 48 days hospitalization, facial paralysis without improvement out of hospital. 8 months after discharge hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, right ear hearing completely lost in December 26, 1991 readmission. Admission examination: the right Ⅴ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅸ, Ⅹ cranial nerve palsy, right eardrum color normal, no overflow pus perforation; electric audiometry prompted the right ear air conduction disappeared. Considered as a result of intracranial tumors. Skull is the lateral position, skull base, within the channel were not seen
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