High-temperature deformation behavior of a beta Ti-3.0Al-3.5Cr-2.0Fe-0.1B alloy

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The high-temperature deformation behavior of a beta Ti-3.0Al-3.5Cr-2.0Fe-0.1B alloy was investigated by a Gleeble-1500D thermal simulator.The height reduction was 50%,corresponding to a true strain of 0.693.The strainrate ranging from 0.01 to 10.00 s-1 and the deformation temperature ranging from 800 to 950 ℃ were considered.The flow stress and the apparent activation energy for deformation,along with the constitutive equation,were used to analyze the behavior of the Ti-3.0Al-3.5Cr-2.0Fe-0.1B alloy.The processing map was established.The effect of strain rate on the microstructure at 850 ℃ was evaluated.The flow stress-strain curves indicated that the peak flow stresses increased along with an increase in the strain rate and decreased as the deformation temperature increased.Based on the true stress-true strain curves,the constitutive equation was established and followed as the (ε) =6.58×1010[sinh(0.0113σ)]3.44exp(-245481.3/RT).The processing map exhibited the unsafe region at the strain rate of 10 s-1 and the temperature of 850 ℃,and the rest region was safe.The deformation microstructure demonstrated that both dynamic recovery (DRV) and dynamic recrystallization (DRX) existed during deformation.At the lower strain rate of 0.01 S-1,the main deformation mechanism was the DRV,and the DRX was the dominant deformation mechanism at the higher strain rate of 1.00 s-1.
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