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【人物档案·黄宏生】1956年,出生于海南;1977年,他作为恢复高考后的首批大学生,被华南理工学院无线电系录取;1982年,大学毕业后被分配在中电华南进出口公司,并成为该公司有史以来最年轻的常务副总经理,行政级别为副厅级;1988年,辞去公职,到香港创业;1989年,在香港注册成立创维公司,主要生产遥控器;1993年,创维进军国内市场,与中国深圳彩电总公司、中国电子器件工业总公司合资成立创维-RGB电子有限公司;2000年,创维成功在香港主板上市,募集资金近10亿元;2004年11月,因涉嫌盗用上市公司资金,在香港联署发动的“虎山行”行动中被拘捕;2006年7月,被香港东区法院判处有期徒刑六年。 [Profile] Huang Hongsheng was born in Hainan in 1956; in 1977, he was admitted as the first batch of college students after college entrance examination, South China Institute of Technology Department of Radio admission; In 1982, after graduating from college was assigned to CLP South China Import and Export Corporation , And became the company’s youngest executive vice president, the administrative level for the deputy departmental level; in 1988, resign from public office to Hong Kong venture; in 1989, incorporated in Hong Kong Skyworth company, the main production of remote control; 1993, Skyworth to enter the domestic market, and China Shenzhen Electronics Corporation, China Electronics Industrial Corporation joint venture set up Skyworth-RGB Electronics Co., Ltd. In 2000, Skyworth successfully listed on the Hong Kong Main Board, raised nearly 1 billion yuan in November 2004, due to The suspicion of misappropriating the funds of listed companies was arrested in the “Hushan Line” operation launched by the Hong Kong Joint Commission; in July 2006, it was sentenced to six years in prison by the Hong Kong Eastern District Court.