Experimental Study of Air Conditioning Unit of Evaporative Cooling Assisted Mechanical Refrigeration

来源 :湖南大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaohuzhao
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The evaporative cooling,which assists the refrigeration machinery air-conditioning systems test-rig,has been designed.Its structure and working principle were described,and the performance test was con-ducted and analyzed.The test shows that making full use of the evaporative cooling"free cooling" in Spring and Autumn seasons can fully meet the requirements of air-conditioned comfort through the switch of the function in different seasons.Taking into account the evaporative cooling fan and pump energy consumption,compared with the traditional mechanical refrigeration system,more than 80 percent of energy can be saved,and the ener-gY efficiency ratio of the Unit(EER) is as high as 7.63.Using the two stages of indirect evaporative cooling to pre-cool the new wind in summer,under the conditions of the same air supply temperature requirements,0.83 kg/s chilled water saved can be equivalent to the traditional mechanical refrigeration system,and when the newwind ratio up to 50 percent.more than 10 percent load was reduced in mechanical refrigeration system.The overall EER increased about 35 percent.
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