Comprehensive characterization of indoor airborne bacterial profile

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaoyanfeiyu
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This is the first detailed characterization of the airborne bacterial profiles in indoor environments. Two restaurants were selected for this study. Fifteen genera of bacteria were isolated from each restaurant and identified by three different bacterial identification systems including MIDI, Biolog and Riboprinter . The dominant bacteria of both restaurants were Gram-positive bacteria in which Micrococcus and Bacillus species were the most abundant. Most bacteria identified were representative species of skin and respiratory tract of human, and soil. Although the bacterial levels in these two restaurants were below the limit of the Hong Kong Indoor Air Quality Objective (HKIAQO) Level 1 standard (i.e., < 500 cfu/m3), the majority of these bacteria were opportunistic pathogens. These results suggested that the identity of airborne bacteria should also be included in the IAQ to ensure there is a safety guideline for the public. This is the first detailed characterization of the airborne bacterial profiles in indoor environments. Twoteen were selected for this study. Fifteen genera of bacteria were isolated from each restaurant and identified by three different bacterial identification systems including MIDI, Biolog and Riboprinter. The dominant bacteria of both restaurants were Gram-positive bacteria in which Micrococcus and Bacillus species were the most abundant. Most bacteria identified were representative species of skin and respiratory tract of human, and soil. These results suggest that the identity of airborne bacteria should also be included in the IAQ to ensure there is a safety guideline for the public.
肠道菌群是人类最庞大的菌库,栖息着大约100万亿个细菌,其中包括了细菌、真菌、古菌以及原生动植物(甚至病毒)等种类众多的微生物。肠道内细菌总重量可达1-1.5公斤,把一个人肠道里所有的细菌连接起来,长度能绕地球两周半。肠道菌群与人体是共生互利关系的统一体,又被称为人的“第二基因组”。医生认为,数量庞大的细菌足以影响一切生命活动,包括药物代谢、药物的毒性和功效、食物消化、吸收、排泄等。  虽然肠道内