Research on influence of typical microstructure characteristics of Ni base single crystal on creep r

来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tp13140
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Considering the influence of typical microstructure characteristics on creep performance,a series of UM-F single crystal alloys which had similar element components but different microstructures were used to analyze the relationship between creep life and microstructure characteristics of Ni base single crystal.Three main factors were proposed:misfit,volume fraction of precipitate and maximum matrix channel width.The Microstate parameter Ymicro was established to estimate the deformation state of the materials.The linear relationship between the initial value of microstate parameter Y0 and creep life under a certain temperature/load was affirmed.By analyzing the high temperature region of turbo blade using the material parameters of DD 3,the creep deformation and the life prediction of the critical points of blade were obtained and the result closed to the test. Considering the influence of typical microstructure characteristics on creep performance, a series of UM-F single crystal alloys which had similar element components but different microstructures were used to analyze the relationship between creep life and microstructure characteristics of Ni base single crystal. Thhree main factors were proposed: misfit, volume fraction of precipitate and maximum matrix channel width. The Microstate parameter Ymicro was established to estimate the deformation state of the materials. linear relationship between the initial value of microstate parameter Y0 and creep life under a certain temperature / load was affirmed.By analyzing the high temperature region of turbo blade using the material parameters of DD 3, the creep deformation and the life prediction of the critical points of blade were obtained and the result closed to the test.
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